Business Plan Competition

The Business Plan Competition provides an opportunity for PharmD students at the Faculty to bring together their clinical and business skills to create novel solutions that can improve individual patient care and have a positive impact on the wider healthcare system.

Team PharmDx won the 2019 Business Plan Competition and celebrates on stage

Working in teams of up to four, PharmD students are able to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios with a view to improving quality of care while demonstrating value for money. Business plans may cover any or all sectors of pharmacy practice including hospital, community, and industrial pharmacy.

Shortlisted teams will work with entrepreneurial specialists to develop their business idea and pitch, and present their business plan to a panel of healthcare and business experts. Teams will be evaluated on their written plan, as well as their presentation skills and ingenuity.

The top teams are eligible to win up to $10,000 in prizes. 

For more information, please contact us at