Dear Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy students,

In follow up to President Gertler’s message I wanted to communicate that the Doctor of Pharmacy program in the Faculty of Pharmacy is designated as a professional program which may have specific accreditation or program-specific requirements that we want to be assured can be addressed by moving to a virtual learning environment.   We are addressing and confirming a few specific issues and expect to provide you with an update before Monday morning. I expect that the large majority of our curriculum will be delivered by other means (which may include existing online platforms).  We are also continuing to work with our external stakeholders through the Office of Experiential Education (OEE) to determine how to best address our experiential education program. Please be assured that we are working to maintain the intention of the policy of the University of Toronto.  


Lisa Dolovich BScPhm PharmD Msc
Professor and Dean 
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy