Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar Series

Janez Plavec is the head of the Slovenian NMR Centre at the National Institute of Chemistry and Professor of Structural Biology at the University of Ljubljana (UL). He obtained his diploma in 1987 at the UL Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology and received his M. Sc. degree in 1990 at the same faculty. His Ph.D. degree was conferred by Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden in 1995. He has been Fulbright fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA in 2002. He has been employed at NIC since 1987. He has chaired the Slovenian NMR center since 1996.

His research interests include studies of structure and dynamics of bio-macro-molecular systems with NMR, structural studies of nucleotides and the building blocks of nucleic acids, protein structure, interactions of small molecules and metal ions with DNA and RNA.

He has co-authored over 300 original scientific papers, over 150 invited lectures at international conferences and has supervised 20 Ph.D. students.