144 College Street
Toronto ON M5S 3M2
Anna Taddio’s program of research aims to improve pain mitigation during medical procedures, particularly for children, in order to optimize health outcomes. Specific objectives are to:
- Advance the therapeutics of pain management by evaluating the effects of individual and combination drug and non-drug pain-relieving modalities
- Document the effects of consistent pain management on the developmental trajectory of pain responses and health care behaviours
- Develop and evaluate educational interventions to promote effective pain mitigation across diverse clinical settings and populations
- Evaluate the feasibility of implementation of evidence-based pain mitigation interventions
- Create and participate in networks to facilitate national and worldwide knowledge transfer and promote pain assessment and pain management as a standard of care for medical procedures.
She currently leads a national inter-disciplinary team that is studying and promoting evidence-based pain mitigation during vaccination, (HELPinKids&Adults). This work was used as the basis of a global guideline by the World Health Organization.
Taddio has authored over 160 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. She is the recipient of numerous awards including: New Investigator Award by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2003), Early Career Award by the Canadian Pain Society (2005), Young Investigator Award by the International Association for the Study of Pain Special Interest Group on Pain in Childhood (2006), Piafsky Young Investigator Award by the Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology (2006), Noni MacDonald Award by the Canadian Paediatric Society (2012), Jeffrey Lawson Award by the American Pain Society (2014), and Pfizer Research Career Award by the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (2014).
Keywords: pain, pain management, children, evidence-based medicine, vaccination, needles, CARD system