Coordinator in Professional Practice
Experiential Course Coordinator
Vinita Arora has been Course Coordinator for a broad range of pharmacy practice courses at the University of Toronto since 1998. Her professional practice background includes community pharmacies, acute care institutions and the pharmaceutical industry. Her current practice area is mental health disorders at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. She is also a Faculty Course Coordinator in Experiential Education, overseeing and providing support to preceptors and students who are completing Early Practice and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Rotations.
Selected Publications
Martin, K., Arora, V., Fischler, I., Tremblay, R. An analysis of non-pharmacological interventions attempted prior to PRN (pro re nata) medication use. Accepted Feb 17, 2017. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. DOI: 10.1111/inm.12320
Martin K, Arora V, Fischler I, Tremblay R. A descriptive analysis of PRN (pro re nata) medication use at a Canadian psychiatric hospital. International Journal of Mental Health Aug 2017;26(4):402-8.
Langlois, S, Wagner, S, Andreoli, A, Arora, V, Cambly, E, Kilmartin C, Power, R, Richardson, D. The Name of the Game is “Let’s Not Play “House”: An Innovative Interprofessional Education Simulation (Abs), Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) IV Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformative Change From the Classroom to Practice, Vancouver BC. June 2013.