Dear students,

Yesterday I shared a statement of solidarity against Anti-Black racism and discrimination in all its forms. Today I am re-emphasizing that as Dean I am committed to expanding and deepening our focus on equity and inclusion as guiding forces for the work we lead and the education we deliver.

Making meaningful progress in this area will take time but I will continue to keep our community informed as our plans progress and also ensure opportunities for input and engagement are available along the way as we move forward together. Please see a link to the full statement on our website, available here.

Congratulations Class of 2020:

This week we celebrated our Class of 2020 graduates through a virtual convocation and stories shared through our social media accounts. Please see below for highlights:

Research Restart

In collaboration with U of T’s HR and the Office of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation, we have begun the process for research restart at the Faculty. I am pleased to share that we are the first unit on campus to restart our research programs. Thank you to Stephane Angers, Associate Dean of Research and Mike Folinas, Manager of Research Operations for leading this work at our Faculty.

Professors of the Year

Every year students in the first three years of the Doctor of Pharmacy program and the PharmD for Pharmacists program select and celebrate professors for excellence in teaching and student mentorship. Congratulations to this year’s recipients and thank you for going above and beyond for our students.

  • 2T1 Professor of the Year: Debra Sibbald
  • 2T2 Professor of the Year: Natalie Crown
  • 2T3 Professor of the Year: Carolyn Cummins
  • PharmD for Pharmacists Professor of the Year:  Nora Macleod – Glover

See our website for a fun video featuring student nominators


 Lisa Dolovich Signature

Lisa Dolovich
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Toronto