Pharmacy Class of 7T8 at their 45th Reunion hosted at the Donalda Club, Toronto

June of 2023 marked the 45th anniversary of graduation for the Pharmacy Class of 7T8, and the classmates celebrated with a fun-filled evening at Donalda Club in Toronto.

In her previous roles at the faculty as the inaugural Director, Student Experience and Academic Progress and Course Coordinator, Doris Kalamut saw first-hand the significant financial need that existed for students pursuing their pharmacy education. She took action in 2013 by leading her class campaign to establish the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Class of 7T8 Award.

As valedictorian, class president, and reunion organizer, Doris encouraged her classmates, when they gathered in 2013 to celebrate their 35th reunion, to think about giving back to the profession that had given them so much. As a part of U of T's Boundless Promise Program, the Class of 7T8 Award quickly grew into a large endowed fund, supporting more than 15 students over the years.

Leading up to their 45th reunion, Doris felt inspired to set another goal for herself and her classmates – to raise $78,000 (78K for 7T8) in honour of their 45th anniversary as pharmacy professionals. Impressively, the class of 7T8 achieved an exceptional feat by raising over $83,000 for their student award, making it the largest class funded endowment at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy.

Supporting future generations

Upon reflecting on the past ten years and the success of their class initiative, Doris said, "my classmates and I feel so fortunate to have chosen and benefited from our profession of pharmacy that we decided to express our gratitude by paying it forward, and so the Class of 7T8 Award was established in perpetuity."

Doris believes that the ideal way to assist students in financial need is through meaningful financial support that will better enable them to focus on their studies, extra-curricular activities, and the university experience as a whole.

When asked about the impact their class hopes to have on future generations, Doris said, "We hope each award recipient and graduating class at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy will be inspired to give back by establishing their own class award, as they have inspired us with their resilience and eagerness to learn and become leaders in our profession."

"We hope each award recipient and graduating class at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy will be inspired to give back by establishing their own class award, as they have inspired us with their resilience and eagerness to learn and become leaders in our profession."

Doris leads by example, having also created the Doris C. Kalamut Leadership Award, to advocate for student success by encouraging leadership skills and involvement in extra-curricular activities.

"I am personally very grateful and proud of my ‘pharmacy phriends’ for their continued generosity to support our future colleagues during their studies, to provide excellence in patient care and in pharmacy research," said Doris. The Class of 7T8 Award will have a lasting impact on generations of students and the pharmacy profession. The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy is proud to congratulate the Class of 7T8 on this incredible accomplishment.

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