Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021 Graphic

In recognition of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week — November 18-24, 2021 — third-year PharmD students created marketing materials to raise awareness about the need for appropriate and cautious use of antibiotics.

“We had some awesome student submissions this year,” said Linda Dresser, Assistant Professor – Status who teaches the PHM383H1 Antimicrobial Stewardship course.

“This assignment gets students thinking about clinical application and knowledge translation, which are critical to encourage best practices among the general public.”

The course approaches antimicrobial stewardship from an interdisciplinary perspective, which aims to optimize antimicrobial use to help control the increase in resistant bacteria and hard-to-treat infections. The ultimate goal of antimicrobial stewardship is to improve patient outcomes, but it can also play a role in containing health care costs.

Aileen Phou Project
AAW Project 2
AAW Project 3

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