Alumni & Donors
CPE Speaker Series
YouTube Live
Many emerging pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists are identifying gaps in our current health care system. Closing these gaps has the potential to vastly improve the lives of Canadians and our global community. While many recent graduates have the scientific skills, and in many cases a viable business idea, they do not have the business background needed to bring their idea to fruition, and/or do not know what resources are available to them within the U of T community and beyond.
This event will:
- Provide an opportunity to hear from four of our alumni about their journey to becoming successful entrepreneurs.
- Discuss the significance of promoting and nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset to lead to innovative business ideas in healthcare.
- Identify personal characteristics/core competencies associated with successful entrepreneurs.
- Speak to the importance of business planning and marketing.
- Provide insight into resources available within the U of T community and beyond.
- Feature tangible, practical examples and lessons learned – both through success and through failure.
Zubin Austin (Moderator) Academic Director, Centre for Practice Excellence
Jon French, Director, University of Toronto Entrepreneurship (UTE)
Seray Çiçek, Co-Founder and CEO oat LSK Technologies Inc.
Michael Do, CEO at MedEssist Pharmacy Manager at Vina Pharmacy
Livia Yuxiu Guo, Guo Co-Founder and COO at LSK Technologies Inc.
Mike Sullivan, CEO at Cubic Health