Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar Series
LDFP Room 850 and virtually via Zoom

Seminar Title:  Experience of translational academic cancer research from bench to patient, with focus on hepatocellular carcinoma.


Dr. Hans Lennernäs is a professor of Biopharmaceutics at Uppsala University. His research aims to develop novel strategies for drug targeting and delivery, particularly in hepatocellular cancer, endocrinology and gastrointestinal diseases.  In collaboration with FDA, University of Michigan, and Medical Product Agency, Sweden he assisted in developing Biopharmaceutics Classification System. He has established an extensive human pharmacokinetic database with jejunal permeability values for 45 drug compounds that today is widely used in academia and pharmaceutical industry. His work had led to more 245 peer-reviewed publications and 350 invited lectures.  He has obtained several national and international research grants and  has received numerous international research awards. He is the inventor of more than 22 drug delivery patents/patent applications with prototypes currently in phase II clinical trials. His research has a strong translational focus with innovation and development of novel drug combinations using novel drug delivery systems, resulting in initiation of  five start-up companies.