Course Overview

Explore Real World Evidence (RWE) in a 3-day program designed by experts and tailored for professionals seeking to enter or enhance their knowledge in this field. This program is set at a beginner or novice level. 

We will cover important basics of RWE, commonly used methods and designs, important data quality and linkage concepts, and explore how RWE can be used in private industry, government, and academia to make decisions, spark innovation, and shape healthcare policies 


Data Availability:

  • Knowledge of Data Sources: Demonstrate proficiency in identifying and utilizing routinely collected data for epidemiological research, including electronic health records, insurance claims databases, patient registries, pharmacy records, and national health surveys.

Study Design:

  • Expertise in RWE Study Designs: Show proficiency in designing and conducting real-world evidence studies using common methodologies such as cohort studies, case-control studies, and case-only studies, understanding their applications and limitations.

Pharmacoepidemiology Foundations:

  • Applications of Real-World Data: Apply real-world data in pharmacoepidemiologic studies to assess drug safety and effectiveness, as well as in drug utilization studies to analyze patterns, determinants, and outcomes of medication use.

RWE Methods:

  • Machine Learning: Utilize machine learning algorithms to analyze large and complex datasets for pattern recognition and predictive analytics in healthcare.
  • Network/Federated Multi-Database Studies: Conduct studies using network or federated approaches to aggregate data from multiple sources while ensuring data privacy and security.
  • Minimizing Confounding: Implement methods to minimize confounding, such as using propensity scores for matching or weighting, to strengthen causal inference in observational studies.
  • Target Trial Framework: Apply the target trial framework to observational data, emulating randomized controlled trials to derive causal conclusions.

Applying RWE in Canada:

  • Designing RWE Analysis Plans: Design and develop robust RWE analysis plans tailored to the Canadian healthcare context, taking into account the unique aspects of the healthcare system and provincial data systems.
  • Utilizing RWE for HTA and Regulatory Decisions: Use real-world evidence to support Health Technology Assessment (HTA) processes and regulatory decisions, ensuring comprehensive evaluation and policy-making based on real-world insights.

Registration opens March 3, 2025

Course Details

Start Date: June 23, 2025

End Date: June 25, 2025

Length: 3 days

Delivery: Online / In Person

Learning Approach: Guided Learning

Prerequisites: None

Accredited: No


Not-for-profit: $1499 (early bird $1199)

For-profit: $2999 (early bird $2499)

Students: $599 (early bird $299)

Registration Opens:

March 3, 2025