Miranda So is a Pharmacotherapy Specialist of the Sinai Health System-University Health Network Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, and an Assistant Professor (Status) at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto. She received both her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy degrees from the University of Toronto. From 2013 to 2018, she was the founding Course Coordinator of the Year 3 elective “Introduction to Antimicrobial Stewardship” in the PharmD Program. She continues to contribute to the infectious diseases course(s) as a guest speaker on specialized topics.
Miranda’s main research interests are antimicrobial stewardship in immunocompromised patients, specifically haematology-oncology patients and organ transplant recipients, as well as the use of technology in health professions education. She has been an invited speaker at many local, national and international infectious disease and pharmacy conferences. Miranda has been a recipient of several local and national research grants. An active member of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, she is the present Chair of the CSHP Foundation Education Grant Committee. She is a member of the American Society of Transplantation, and co-leads a working group to develop a whitepaper on the implementation of antimicrobial stewardship in solid organ transplant recipients.
Working in infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance and stewardship has piqued Miranda’s interests in public health, research and epidemiology. She is currently pursuing a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree at Harvard School of Public Health. She plans to share her expertise and passion in this area with pharmacy learners in the near future.
Select Publications
So M, Mamdani MM, Morris AM, Lau TTY, Broady R, Deotare U, Grant J, Kim D, et al. Effect of an antimicrobial stewardship programme on antimicrobial utlilisation and costs in patients with leukaemia: a retrospective controlled study. Clin Micro Infect 2018; 8: 882-888.
So M, Morris AM, Nelson S, Bell CM, Husain S. Antimicrobial stewardship by academic detailing improves antimicrobial prescribing in solid organ transplant patients. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2019; 38: 1915-1923.
So M, Yang DY, Bell C, Humar A, Morris A, Husain S. Solid organ transplant patients: are there opportunities for antimicrobial stewardship? Clin Transplant 2016; 30: 659-668.
Morris AM, Bai A, Burry L, Dresser LD, Ferguson ND, Lapinsky SE, Lazar NM, McIntyre M, Matelski J, Minnema B, Mok K, Nelson S, Poutanen SM, Singh JM, So M, Steinberg M, Bell CM. Long-term effects of phased implementation of antimicrobial stewardship in academic ICUs: 2007-2015. Crit Care Med 2019; 47: 159-166.