Suzanne M.
144 College Street
Toronto ON M5S 3M2
Suzanne M. Cadarette, BSc (University of Waterloo), MSc and PhD (University of Toronto), Post-doctoral Fellowship (Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston) is Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Epidemiology, University of Toronto; Fellow of the WHO Collaborating Centre in Governance, Accountability and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector; Senior Adjunct Scientist, ICES; and Adjunct Associate Professor, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina.
Cadarette’s primary research interests are in pharmacoepidemiology, health services, and pharmacy practice research.
Area of Research
Suzanne M. Cadarette, PhD is a pharmacoepidemiologist and health services researcher. Dr. Cadarette’s team (Cadarette Group) investigates the use, benefits and harms of prescription medications, and the use and impact of community pharmacy services.
Research Challenge
Valid estimates of the benefits and harms of drugs and health services in the “real-world” are required to inform prescribing and health policy decision making. Careful attention to detail is critical in the design and analysis of real-world studies, necessitating the integration of innovative analytical and study design methods.
Proposed Solution
The Cadarette Group leverages large healthcare administrative, pharmacy and medical claims databases to complete real-world studies that:
- inform practice clinical guideline development and health policy decision making, and
- guide the design and analysis of real-world studies.
Impact to Date
The Cadarette Group works directly with key stakeholders (e.g., Osteoporosis Canada) to inform clinical practice guidelines and policy decisions, and with international experts (e.g., International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies (STRATOS) initiative) to improve the design and analysis of real-world studies.
Keywords: epidemiology, health policy, health services, fracture, innovation, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacy practice, osteoporosis