David Windross, Hall of Distinction recipient with Dr. Leslie Dan

The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Alumni Awards

The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Alumni Awards are a suite of annual awards that recognize our outstanding alumni for their exceptional accomplishments. We are proud to celebrate these alumni as they have earned provincial, national and/or international prominence due to their outstanding professional achievements and/or service to society and are an inspiration to the pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences community and beyond. These awards are open to all alumni who have not previously received the same award and who meet the University of Toronto’s definition of alumnus/a.

See our list of 2024 Alumni Award recipients.

Nominations for the 2025 Award cycle are now open! Preview the nomination form and submit your nomination before May 31, 2025.

Definition of an Alumnus/a:

For the purpose of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Alumni Awards the following definition will be used:
“alumni” means persons who have received degrees or postsecondary diplomas or certificates from the University, or persons who have completed one year of full-time studies, or the equivalent thereof as determined by the Governing Council, towards such a degree, diploma or certificate and are no longer registered at the University;

 - The University of Toronto Act, 1971

General Nomination Guidelines for all Award Categories

*Please read carefully as guidelines have been updated.

  • Nominations are confidential.
  • All individual nominees must be alumni of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy.
  • The nominator is not required to be an alumni.
  • Donor information is not considered as selection criteria for individual awards except in exceptional circumstances. For example, the donation was transformative (or otherwise uncommon) in some way for the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, and is considered along with other significant merits.
  • Donation information will be considered as a selection criteria for corporate awards.
  • Nominees cannot be employed in a full time continuing or full-time contract position at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy.
  • Nominees must be currently employed less than 0.25FTE with the Faculty to be eligible.
  • Nominations can be carried forward for one year. In the second year, the nominator(s) will be contacted for additional information in order to bring the nomination packages up to date.
  • Writing quality of the submission will not determine the outcome, but the content of the submission will determine the candidates merit to the best of the Alumni Awards Committee’s ability.
  • Information not included in the nomination package will not be considered unless it is public information. Public information includes information available through an internet search and/or via social media (i.e. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • The Alumni Awards Committee is not responsible for additional research related to nomination, but can speak to any publicly available information when discussing the nomination.
  • Nominations may be submitted by any individual, independently or on behalf of a group or institution.
  • Nominees can only be nominated in one category per year.
  • While the nominee may provide information to the nominator that assists with the completion of the application, self-nominations for individual awards are not accepted. Self-nominations for the two corporate awards are accepted.
  • For individual nominations, each nomination package must include a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae.
2023 Alumni award recipients with Dean Lisa Dolovich (middle)

Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Individual Award Categories

Leadership in Pharmacy Practice Award
  • Administered by the Alumni Awards Selection Committee.
  • The Leadership Award in Pharmacy Practice Award recognizes one alumnus’ leadership within the Faculty and their contribution to advancing health and/or science.  
  • The alumnus has made an outstanding contribution in their field, which may include the achievement of awards and/or honours.
  • The alumnus is an inspiration to their peers and the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy community.
  • This alumnus has remained a committed member of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy community and the pharmacy community at large.
Leadership in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award
  • Administered by the Alumni Awards Selection Committee.
  • The Leadership Award in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award recognizes one alumnus’ leadership within the Faculty and their contribution to advancing health and/or science.  
  • The alumnus has made an outstanding contribution in their field, which may include the achievement of awards and/or honours.
  • The alumnus is an inspiration to their peers and the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy community.
  • This alumnus has remained a committed member of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy community and the pharmaceutical sciences community at large.
Emerging Leader in Pharmacy Practice Award
  • Administered by the Alumni Awards Selection Committee.
  • The Emerging Leader in Pharmacy Practice Award recognizes one alumnus from the Faculty who has graduated in the past 10 years.
  • This award recognizes one young alumnus who has demonstrated an exceptional contribution or shown a level of achievement in their career or field that is extraordinary for an individual early in their career.
  • The alumnus is an inspiration to their peers and the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy community.
  • This alumnus has remained a committed member of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy community and the pharmacy community at large.
Emerging Leader in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award
  • Administered by the Alumni Awards Selection Committee.
  • The Emerging Leader in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award recognizes one alumnus from the Faculty who has graduated in the past 10 years.
  • This award recognizes one young alumnus who has demonstrated an exceptional contribution or shown a level of achievement in their career or field that is extraordinary for an individual early in their career.
  • The alumnus is an inspiration to their peers and the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy community.
  • This alumnus has remained a committed member of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy community and pharmaceutical sciences community at large.
Alumni Service Award
  • Administered by the Alumni Awards Selection Committee.
  • The Alumni Service Award recognizes one alumnus from the Faculty who has provided extraordinary volunteer service and demonstrated leadership through local or global volunteer work. Recipients have enriched the lives of others through their volunteerism in the Faculty or through their work with civic, charitable and/or social causes beyond the scope of their clinical or academic responsibilities.

Lifetime Achievement - The Hall of Distinction

  • Administered by the Alumni Awards Selection Committee.
  • The Hall of Distinction is an assembly of extraordinary alumni that recognizes their lifelong accomplishments to the profession of pharmacy and/or pharmaceutical sciences.
  • These are graduates whose accomplishments have ultimately defined what is exemplary of Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy graduates and the pharmacy and/or pharmaceutical sciences profession.
  • The careers of the members stand as examples and inspire future generations of Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy students.

Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Corporate Awards Categories

Corporate Partnership Service Award
  • Administered by the Alumni Awards Selection Committee.
  • Recognizes corporate leaders committed to working with the Faculty to mentor and train students in the field through programs such as preceptorships and industrial residencies.
  • These organizations have shown long-term commitment to student preparation and are being honored for their services, and dedication to the profession and the education of future professionals.
Corporate Partnership Award
  • Administered by the Office of Advancement & Alumni Relations.
  • Recognizes corporate leaders and visionaries who have made significant financial contributions in support of the Faculty’s overall mission.
  • These organization’s partnerships showcase their ongoing and generous commitment to Faculty and dedication to advancing the profession of pharmacy and/or pharmaceutical science

Nominate for Individual Awards

Nominations for the 2025 Award cycle are now open! Submit your nomination before May 31, 2025


Nominate for Corporate Awards

Nomination Form coming soon!