Welcome to the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Researcher Funding Opportunities Index. We have included a number of relevant opportunities for our Faculty based on current research programs. This list is not exhaustive, and we recommend using the comprehensive funding opportunity resources below.

All Applicants submitting through the University of Toronto MUST have submitted their application information online via the My Research Applications (MRA) portal.

Additional comprehensive funding opportunities are available here:

Search Pivot Funding Opportunities Database

Search for various funding opportunities by entering a search term into the Pivot search widget below. Please note, this will open up a new tab and may require a login or creation of an account.

Take full advantage of all the features Pivot has to offer.  Register for an account to make searching for new and updated funding opportunities easier, you can even setup weekly email notifications that are based on your profile to ensure you do not miss any relevant opportunities.

Internal Opportunities

LDFP BMS Small Equipment Award (Internal Only)

The purpose of the Small Equipment Award is to support the purchase and repair of necessary research equipment for research and training of Highly Qualified Personnel.  The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy will provide up to $5,000 for successful applications that demonstrate need and where funding for equipment is a challenge to obtain.

Offered 4 times per year: January 31st, April 30th, July 31st and October 31st

Up to $5,000

For more information, please review the Program Guidelines and the Application Instructions.  Contact Mike Folinas (m.folinas@utoronto.ca) or Sam D'Alfonso (sam.dalfonso@utoronto.ca) with any additional questions.

LDFP CSAP Research Award (Internal Only)

The purpose of the Clinical, Social and Administrative Pharmaceutical (CSAP) Sciences Research Award competition is to support research excellence where funding is not currently held, e.g., pilot project, expand currently funded research, explore new areas of research. The objective of the program is to increase CSAP research impact by supporting research excellence that leads to publications and externally funded research proposals. Capacity building is encouraged, yet not required.

Offered twice yearly: April 30th and November 30th.

Up to $10,000

For more information, please review the Program Guidelines and the Application Instructions.  Contact Mike Folinas (m.folinas@utoronto.ca) or Sam D'Alfonso (sam.dalfonso@utoronto.ca) with any additional questions.

External Opportunities

Acceleration Consortium: 2024 Research Funding Opportunities

The Acceleration Consortium (AC) is pleased to announce its 2024 Accelerate Grants competition cycle. These grants provide funding in research areas including, but not limited to the following:

  • the development of self-driving labs (SDLs) or the development of the artificial intelligence (AI) and automation tools required to build SDLs
  • the use of SDLs for materials or molecule discovery
  • policy or other frameworks to support the ethical use and uptake of SDLs
  • the implications (ethics, economic, social, etc.) of AI and automation for accelerated discovery and the community-based use of these technologies, including Indigenous science and technology studies.

Applications from all disciplines and researchers in all stages of their careers are encouraged.


  • Accelerate Seed Funding: maximum $125,000 (1 year)
  • Accelerate Moonshot Funding: maximum $500,000 (2 years)
  • Accelerate Translation Funding: up to $500,000 (2 years) with possible additional $300,00 for equipment
  • Accelerate Social Science & Humanities Funding: Up to $50,000


NOI Application Deadline: August 9, 2024

Full Application Deadline: November 18, 2024

How to apply

Submit ~3-page notice of intent (NOI) that will be assessed for project eligibility and quality


  • Lead principal investigators (PIs) must meet the University of Toronto’s eligibility guidelines and be eligible to hold tri-agency funding
    • PIs can only submit one application as a lead applicant
    • PIs from other Canadian universities can be co-investigators and can receive funding via an inter-institutional agreement
  • PIs leading a current (2023) AC grant will not be eligible to apply for a 2024 grant as a lead, with the exception of a Seed Grant evolving into to a Moonshot Grant.
  • We encourage applicants to consider working with the AC Staff Scientists. A list can be seen here.

More information

Full details on eligibility, evaluation criteria, funding rules, CFREF guidelines, ethical discovery principles and intellectual property can be found on the AC’s website.

Please contact acceleration@utoronto.ca if you have any questions.

Additional Research Security Requirements from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU)

Government of Ontario Mitigating Economic and/or Geopolitical Risks in Sensitive Research Projects

Research Alert – Additional Research Security Requirements from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU)

Who is this for: UofT researchers applying for Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) Grants:

  • Ontario Research Fund-Research Excellence (ORF-RE)
  • Ontario Research Fund-Genomics (ORF-Genomics)
  • Ontario Research Fund-Large Infrastructure Fund (ORF-LIF)
  • Ontario Research Fund-Small Infrastructure Fund (ORF-SIF)
  • Ontario Research Fund-College Fund (ORF-CF)
  • Ontario Research Fund-Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund (ORF-BRIF)
  • Early Researcher Awards (ERA)

Implementation Dates:

  • New Grants beginning in June 2024


MCU, in partnership with the Ministry of the Solicitor General (SOLGEN), has developed a distinct Government of Ontario research security (RS) process. This two-step process and the related forms (Application Attestation Form, Economic and Geopolitical Risk Checklist, and Risk Mitigation Form) aim to assist the applicant and individual researchers in identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential research security risks associated with their projects.

Application Attestation Form for Researchers Applying to the Ontario Research Funding Programs

Mitigating Economic and Geopolitical Risk Checklist for Ontario Research Fund Applications - Forms - Central Forms Repository (CFR) (gov.on.ca)

Completing the Forms

The New Attestation Form

All Named Researchers in an application, including the PI, are required to complete an Application Attestation Form. While all project team members who are not listed in the application by name (e.g., graduate students, technicians, etc.) and those who are not formally affiliated with an Ontario-based Applicant are not required to complete the form, please note that all Named Researchers will be reviewed by SOLGEN and may result in a project being identified as high risk. All project members are expected to be familiar with and adhere to general RS principles and protocols, as outlined in this guide, and in the federal government’s National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships.

If any of the Named Researchers are or will be in collaboration with, or in receipt of funding and/or in-kind support from any entity listed in the federal government’s Named Research Organizations (NRO) (dated January 2024 as may be updated from time to time) whether related to the proposed project or any other project, during the Relevant Period covers two (2) years prior to the date of application, they are required to provide clarifying details regarding their association in Option B of the Application Attestation Form.  researchers are required to disclose all Collaborations and affiliations including receipt of funding or In-Kind Support with NRO, whether these are related to the proposed project or any other project during this Relevant Period.

The Applicant is responsible for collecting all completed and signed Application Attestation Forms from all Named Researchers in the application, including the PI, and putting the signed forms into a zipped file as part of its application package to the Ministry.  Failure to submit a completed and signed Application Attestation Forms for all Named Researchers will result in an incomplete application which cannot proceed with the Ministry’s adjudication process.

MCU Definition Collaboration:

Scientific collaboration includes but is not limited to collaborations involving co-authorship, co-publication, co-hosting of international conferences, joint research, or joint funding recipients. This may also include more formal relationships such as a memorandum of understanding, partnership, joint venture, joint funding, joint degree/exchange program, graduate student supervision, visiting scholar, or participation in a foreign-funded talent program.

Economic and Geopolitical Risk Checklist, and Risk Mitigation Form

If any Named Researcher, including the PI, has selected “Option B” and provided details of their relevant associations in the Application Attestation Form, the PI must address the related risks and set out mitigation measures in the risk mitigation section of the Checklist.

The required checklist asks researchers to provide context regarding their collaborations with potentially risky partners beyond the NRO list. 


Before making a funding decision, the government will allow institutions to address identified research security concerns by providing additional context or mitigation strategies. This information is provided through an official attestation document.

Research Security at the University of Toronto

The Research Security Team (RST) is available to assist researchers with both of the Ontario forms.

Further guidance can be found on the University of Toronto Safeguarding Research MEGR webpage https://research.utoronto.ca/safeguarding-research/research-security-requirements-grant-applications/mitigating-economic-andor or by contacting the Research Security Team at researchsecurity@utoronto.ca

Alzheimer Society - Proof of Concept Grant - Request for LOI 

The Alzheimer Society Research Program’s Proof of Concept Grant provides $100,000 over up to 3 years to support investigators with innovative, high-risk, high-yield hypotheses about dementia.

The Alzheimer Society Research Program will pre-screen applications for the Proof of Concept Grant through a Letter of Intent (LOI) process. Successful LOI applicants will then be asked to submit a full application for peer review later in the summer.

Researchers with big, bold, challenging new ideas relevant to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are encouraged to apply.

The LOI form is available now with submissions due by July 24, 2024.

For more information and to read the Proof of Concept LOI guidelines, visit the Alzheimer Society website. Full application guideline can be found here. 

Key Dates:

  • LOI Submission Deadline: July 24, 2024, 5:00 pm ET (MRA is not required at LOI stage)
  • Results of LOI Pre-Screen Announced to Applicants: August 2024
  • Invitation to submit Full Proposal/ Launch of Competition: September 9, 2024, 8:00 am ET
  • MRA Deadline: October 28, 2024
  • Full Proposal Application Deadline: November 4, 2024, 5:00 pm ET
  • Results announced: Spring 2025
  • Commencement of funding: July 2025
CanCOVID - New Canada-wide COVID-19 collaboration network: Accepting registrations

CanCOVID is an expert network  of Canadian COVID-19 researchers, clinical collaborators, and healthcare stakeholders from across the country. It is accepting registrations from recognized experts in the COVID-19 research and response community, including the following areas:

Diagnostics Vaccines & Therapeutics Modeling
Fundamental Science Clinical trials Cohort studies
Social & behavioural sciences Healthcare Policy decision-making
Indigenous knowledge Medical devices Patient services
Community health    

The CanCOVID network membership is by invitation. To be considered a recognized expert, you must have professional affiliation with a university, hospital, clinic, government office, non-profit association or business. All prospective members will be vetted, including verifying email addresses and professional affiliations.

Post Doctoral and PhD Trainees will qualify for membership ONLY if serving as representatives for faculty supervisors who are actively researching COVID-19, or if they can demonstrate substantial prior research experience on COVID-relevant topics.

Researchers who meet the above criteria can register to join the network at https://cancovid.ca/#join.

Please do not register if you do not meet the above criteria. Limiting membership in this way will enable COVID-19 researchers to focus on critical research without distraction. It will also enable the platform administrators to focus their efforts on supporting core platform activities.

Canada’s Chief Science Officer mandated the creation of CanCOVID to  expedite communication and collaboration between the scientific, healthcare and policy communities during the COVID-19 crisis. The CanCOVID networkis designed to support collaboration, coordination and communication between scientists, clinical collaborators, funding agencies, government policy makers, and healthcare practitioners. CanCOVID is linking up Canada’s research network using Slack, an online messaging and collaboration platform. Volunteers are available to help members who are new to Slack; you can indicate your need for Slack assistance on the registration form.

For more information, visit the CanCOVID website https://cancovid.ca/ or follow us on T

Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s (CIHR) - Free online training on patient engagement

Click here to start any module of the course

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s (CIHR) Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) has developed a set of online, self-directed, free modules related to Patient Engagement (PE) in research! IMHA’s patient partners identified a need for more training in patient engagement and set to work filling the gap for practical tools and resources to help people do patient engagement in research. Modules must be completed in chronological order; after completing each module, you will receive a certificate. While the modules have been developed by IMHA, they are not disease- or condition-specific and are applicable to any research where patient partners are engaged.

Course: A How-to Guide for Patient Engagement in Research

  • Module 1: What is patient engagement?
  • Module 2: The research process: (a) Understanding the research process for patient partners and (b) Supporting patient partners throughout the research process for other members of the research team
  • Module 3: Setting up a research project for successful partnership
  • Module 4: Patient engagement for research teams: (a) Being part of a research team for patient partners and (b) Engaging patients on your research team for other members of the research team

If you have any questions about the training or accessing the modules, please contact imha-iala@cihr-irsc.gc.ca and follow @CIHR_IMHA for related announcements!

CIHR Project Grant Fall 2024 competition launched

The Canadian Institutes of Health (CIHR) Project Grant program is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential to advance health-related fundamental or applied knowledge, health research, health care, health systems, and/or health outcomes. It supports projects with a specific purpose and a defined endpoint. The best ideas may stem from new, incremental, innovative, and/or high-risk lines of inquiry or knowledge translation approaches.

Registration for the CIHR’s Fall 2024 Project Grant competition is currently open. 

Important Dates

  • Registration Deadline: August 14, 2024
    Registration is mandatory: All applicants must submit their registration before the deadline. The application stage will open as soon as the registration has been submitted. 
  • MRA Deadline: September 4, 2024
    The internal MRA requirement is for all applicants applying for this award through the University of Toronto: Your application will not be submitted to CIHR until MRA has been approved by all required institutional officials. For all other applicants, please contact the Research Office of the institution through which you are applying.
  • Application Deadline: September 11, 2024
    This deadline is strictly enforced by CIHR and no exceptions will be made. CIHR will not accept updates to applications after the application deadline.

NOTE: Faculty research offices may also offer editorial review for its on-campus applicants.  For divisional grant support and deadlines, contact your divisional research office support staff.

For more information including updates on What’s New for the Fall 2024 competition, please visit the Fall 2024 Project Grant Funding Opportunities page (for University of Toronto applicants) and the .

CIHR Project Grant Applicant Webinars   

CIHR will be hosting webinars to support participants with the requirements of the funding opportunity and answer questions.  Please visit the CIHR Webinars page for more information and how to register.

English Sessions
Duration: 60 minutes
When: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 11:00 AM ET | Join
When: Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET | Join

French Sessions
Duration: 60 minutes
When: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET | Join
When: Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 11:00 AM ET | Join

CIHR Reviewer in Training program for Early Career Researchers

CIHR recently launched the Fall 2024 Reviewer in Training program for early career researchers. The Reviewer in training program (RiT) offers early career researchers the opportunity to learn about the peer review process at CIHR while gaining valuable experience participating in high-quality reviews. Early career researchers (ECR)  can participate in the RiT program in one of two roles: Mentee and ECR Reviewer. 
Applications will be accepted from July 9 to August 6th.

Please see the current call for applications to apply. The RiT Program is designed to accommodate two Mentees, and a minimum of one ECR Reviewer per Project committee.  

Applications are made to CIHR directly and institutional signatures are not required.  Letters confirming ECR status may come from the head of departments (e.g. Chair, Vice-Dean Research, etc.).

Data Sciences Institute - Research Software Development Support Program – Call for Projects

The University of Toronto Data Sciences Institute (DSI) is pleased to announce a new call for Research Software Development Support.  

Purpose:  The aim of the DSI Research Software Development Support Program is to help researchers to refine existing software tools to improve usability and robustness or build new tools, disseminate research software beyond the research space in which it is created, and to enhance existing functionality.

The Program provides research groups access to a professional research software developer. The research software developer will work alongside the research group on a part-time (up to a 0.5 FTE) basis for 2 to 6 months. Only open-source projects are considered for support so that we can disseminate research software beyond the research space in which it is created.  

Application Deadline: October 18, 2024, 23:59ET

How to Apply: Access the complete application guidelines, online portal, and required templates via the DSI website.

About the Data Sciences Institute
The DSI is an institutional strategic initiative for data science research, training, and partnerships at the University of Toronto. Our goal is to accelerate the impact of data sciences across disciplines to address pressing societal questions and to drive positive social change.

DOD CDMRP Funding Opportunity Announcements

Pre-announcements released:

The Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders Research Program (ASUDRP) released a pre-announcement for the following funding opportunities:

  •   Consortium Award

To view the pre-announcement visit https://cdmrp.health.mil/pubs/press/2024/24asudrppreann

Funding announcements released:

1. The Rare Cancers Research Program (RCRP) released the following funding opportunities:

  • Concept Award
  • Idea Development Award
  • Resource and Community Development Award

To view the funding opportunity announcement and submit a pre-application visit https://ebrap.org/eBRAP/public/ProgramFY.htm?programFYId=587103

2. The Military Burn Research Program (MBRP) released the following funding opportunities:

  • Patient-Centered Research Award
  • Technology/Therapeutic Development Award

To view the funding opportunity announcement and submit a pre-application visit https://ebrap.org/eBRAP/public/ProgramFY.htm?programFYId=587105

3. The Multiple Sclerosis Research Program (MSRP) released the following funding opportunities:

  • Clinical Trial Award
  • Early Investigator Research Award
  • Exploration – Hypothesis Development Award
  • Investigator- Initiated Research Award

To view the funding opportunity announcement and submit a pre-application visit https://ebrap.org/eBRAP/public/ProgramFY.htm?programFYId=589102

4. The Tick-Borne Disease Research Program (TBDRP) released the following funding opportunities:

·        Idea Development Award

·        Therapeutic/Diagnostic Research Award

To view the funding opportunity announcement and submit a pre-application visit https://ebrap.org/eBRAP/public/ProgramFY.htm?programFYId=587104

5. The Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) released the following funding opportunities:

  • Clinical Translational Research Award
  • Exploration – Hypothesis Development Award
  • Idea Development Award

To view the funding opportunity announcement and submit a pre-application visit https://ebrap.org/eBRAP/public/ProgramFY.htm?programFYId=589101


A pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP) at https://eBRAP.org prior to the pre-application deadline.

All applications must conform to the final Funding Opportunities/Program Announcements and General Application Instructions which can be found on the Grants.gov website (https://Grants.gov).  A listing of all CDMRP and other USAMRDC extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the Grants.gov website by performing a basic search using CFDA Number 12.420. Applicant organizations must be registered in SAM (https://www.sam.gov/SAM/) and receive confirmation of an “Active” status before submitting an application through Grants.gov. 

For email notification when CDMRP funding opportunities are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “Email Subscriptions” on the eBRAP homepage at https://eBRAP.org. For more information about CDMRP-administered programs, please visit the CDMRP website (https://cdmrp.health.mil).

Additional Information

For more information on types of funding opportunities offered and application strategies, review the CDMRP Webinar Series: https://cdmrp.health.mil/pubs/Webinars/webinar_series.

Horizon Europe:  Canadian Researchers are now eligible for Pillar II Funding

We are pleased to share that Canadian researchers can now apply for and receive grants directly from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe, Pillar II Funding programs.

Horizon Europe is the European Union’s main Research and Innovation program, and the world’s largest with a total budget of €95.5 billion (2021-2027).

This wonderful news is the result of Canada achieving “associate country participant” status after recently completed negotiations between Canada and the EU.   In the past, Canada’s participation as a non-associated country participant meant Canadian researchers were not normally eligible to receive Horizon Europe funding.

About Pillar II Funding:

  • Funding under Pillar II is divided among 6 clusters which you can learn more about here:  Horizon Europe Pillar II Clusters.  
  • For most Pillar II proposals, an applicant must apply as a team of at least three partner organizations, with at least one partner from an EU country and, two partners from different EU or associated countries. Canadian researchers will count towards the two partners criteria.  These partnerships are commonly referred to as a 'consortium' under Horizon Europe funding terminology.
  • You can explore currently active Pillar II funding opportunities here:   Pillar II Funding opportunities.
  • Each funding opportunity may have some of its own unique requirements and  additional eligibility criteria, so it is essential to review the opportunity very thoroughly. 
  • The application process is more time consuming than applicants may have experienced in applying to other funders, which will be important to keep in mind when planning a submission.

More details to follow:

The news about Canada’s ability to apply to Pillar II has come quickly.  The Agreement was reached on November 24th followed by notification on December 5th that Canadian applicants could begin applying now.  Canadian universities have not been in a position to be the lead institution on past Horizon Europe funding programs.  As a result, Research Services is working quickly to understand and navigate through the key components of the application process as a lead applicant, and the steps involved in submitting a completed proposal.  We expect to update the community as soon as possible with more details.


See the recent “Horizon Europe and Canada” webinar presented by the Mission of Canada to the EU here

Additional Information:

Funding Opportunity: for details about the program, how to apply, and additional resources, click here

In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact:  Drew Gyorke (drew.gyorke@utoronto.ca), Amanda Pennings (Amanda.pennings@utoronto.ca) or Krista Montgomery (krista.montgomery@utoronto.ca)

Institute for Pandemics – Catalyst and Development Grants - Phase 2

The University of Toronto Institute for Pandemics (IfP) is pleased to announce a call for the second phase of the Catalyst and Development Grants.


Value: Total funding for this program is $600,000 (up to $50,000 per award)

Duration: One-year from start of funding date

Purpose: The IfP catalyst and development grants aim to help U of T researchers from multiple disciplines connect and collaborate on projects pertaining to pandemic readiness, resilience, and recovery. It provides seed funding to support collaborative, interdisciplinary research projects which represent a step towards the pursuit of more comprehensive applications to external funding opportunities. This open call is the second of IfP’s two-phase grant program.

Applications from all IfP members will be accepted. Proposals will be reviewed and scored according to an evaluation rubric (relevance, multidisciplinarity, methodology, impact, training, EDI best practices; and if applicable, progress of phase 1 project). Funding decisions will be made by our multidisciplinary grant review committee. IfP will work with and support applicants to promote their research, enhance knowledge mobilization, and facilitate cross discipline collaboration through its platforms.

Application Deadline: August 18, 2024 11:59PM ET

How to Apply: All applications must be submitted, using the online submission form. All competition details, including the application template, can be found on the IfP website.

About the Institute for Pandemics

The Institute for Pandemics (IfP) brings together transformative researchers and educators from across disciplines and around the world to address the complex, global public health challenges posed by pandemics and epidemics. Our work centers around three pillars: ‘readiness’ to prevent, mitigate, and track evolving pandemics; ‘resilience’ of health systems and communities, and to improve public health policies, interventions, and communication; and equitable ‘recovery’ to reduce health disparities in pandemics, and to build back stronger and more fairly. Situated in Canada’s leading school of public health, IfP serves as a knowledge nexus informing public health responses, helping to strengthen systems, and equip future health leaders with a multi-faceted skillset to combat pandemics and other public health emergencies.

Questions pertaining to the Catalyst Grant Program can be sent to Tedd Konya, Associate Director at ifp.dlsph@utoronto.ca.

Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation

Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation of Vancouver, BC would like to welcome research groups to apply for funding opportunities in the field of major illnesses with primary focus in oncology. We specialize in providing support to research projects that are novel and innovative and/or that otherwise experience difficulties in receiving support from other sources potentially resulted from inability to create intellectual property, or from lack of peer support – in other words, high risk, unconventional and disruptive research.

Because of that premise, research project must be of high quality. We welcome all spectrum of experimental design initiatives, from meta-analyses and pilots to randomized controlled double-blinded trials and operational support; both pre-clinical and clinical projects are invited, with preference being given to clinical trials.


Currently, applications are reviewed three times per year with potential for funding starting in April, August, and December for successful applicants.

Submission Guidelines:

Applicants should telephone the Foundation to discuss their project ahead of submitting a proposal. If appropriate, a letter of intent and supporting documents will be requested.

Additional Information:

For more information, please, email anakonechnaya@hecht.org or visit our website at hecht.org.

Examples of previously funded research include:

  • Lessening organ dysfunction/injury with vitamin C (LOVIT trial) / University of Sherbrooke / ClinicalTrials ID – NCT03680274
  • Phase II randomized cross-over study of the efficacy and safety of omega 3 fatty acid supplements on lung cancer-promoting inflammatory markers in heavy smokers / BC Cancer
  • Histamine receptor 2 antagonists as enhancers of anti-tumor immunity / Dalhousie University, through a collaboration with Canadian Cancer Society
  • Fecal microbial transplantation in combination with immunotherapy in melanoma patients (MIMic trial) / Lawson Health Research Institute / ClinicalTrials ID – NCT03772899
Mitacs Update – Accelerate Internship Units 2024/25 (Update)

Due to changes in the federal funding landscape in addition to provincial funding levels, there will be a significant reduction to the available funding in 2024-2025 for the Accelerate program in Ontario, including joint Mitacs applications with the Tri-Council Agencies. 

Mitacs has determined a maximum allowance of Accelerate Intern Units for each university in Ontario and the University of Toronto recently received notification regarding the maximum number of units for the Accelerate program for the current fiscal year (April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025).  This allowance equates to just over half of the average annual activity relative to previous years. 

Some important considerations: 

  • Projects already pending institutional signature and/or submitted as of June 10 will be accepted and included within the institutional allowance. 
  • Projects previously approved by Mitacs will be honoured, including all variants of the Accelerate program and multi-year Accelerate projects. 
  • Previously approved Accelerate units included within NSERC-Alliance joint projects will continue to be honoured. 

Programs which are NOT impacted by these restrictions include: 

Mitacs Elevate and the Business Strategy Internship (BSI) programs will continue to be progress but will be closely monitored to identify any capacity issues. 

If you have a Mitacs Accelerate project in development, you are highly encouraged to contact your Mitacs Business Development Advisor or the  U of T Lead Advisor, Laura Yu (lyu@mitacs.ca) to assess if there is an opportunity to transfer either the full project, or a portion, to the Elevate or Business Strategy Internship (BSI) programs.   

Mitacs will continue to work with the University to ensure applications submitted for funding do not exceed the University’s allowance.  If you have any questions regarding the change in funding, please contact Mitacs or refer to the How To Apply section on Accelerate on Mitacs’s website: Mitacs Acceleration Program 

Quantum Project Eligibility 

Quantum” projects refer to those in the ‘quantum’ field of science and technology which seek to predict and explain the behaviour of atoms and molecules and involve the manipulation and control of systems at the atomic and subatomic levels. Quantum science and technology projects broadly refer to projects that aim to study one or more of the following: 

  • Quantum computers – a type of computer that exploits the behaviour of microscopic elements of the size of atoms to perform calculations;
  • Quantum software – software and algorithms that run on quantum computers, and enable the operation and design of quantum computers and/or development and optimization of quantum applications;
  • Quantum communications – networks that utilize the laws of physics to protect and share data;
  • Quantum sensors – devices that use quantum science to perform measurements with high sensitivity and accuracy; and,
  • Quantum materials – materials with unusual magnetic and electrical properties resulting from quantum effects 

 Indigenous Pathways Eligibility 

In order to be eligible to the Indigenous Pathways offering, one of the following requirements must be met: 

  • The partner organization must be a for-profit organization with self-identifying Indigenous persons (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit) who hold 50% or greater ownership shares 
  • The partner organization must be a not-for-profit organization with board membership consisting of 50% or greater self-identifying Indigenous Persons (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit) 
  • The student assigned to the project must be a self-identifying Indigenous person (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit) 

On June 14, 2024 the research community was advised of a significant reduction in funding for the Mitacs Accelerate program and the University received a maximum number of Accelerate internship units (IUs) available for the current fiscal year.

Based on the Mitacs Accelerate applications submitted at the time of this announcement, in addition to numerous proposals already under development, the University is currently exceeding the maximum allowable number of internship units for the remainder of the year.

Researchers with applications in development will be contacted directly regarding next steps and in many cases will be required to reduce the number of internships requested.

If you are considering a Mitacs Accelerate application and have not already been in touch with Mitacs and approved to proceed, your application will need to be considered in next year’s allocation.  

If you have any questions please contact your Mitacs Business Development Advisor or the  U of T Lead Advisor, Laura Yu (lyu@mitacs.ca).

As a reminder, these changes only affect the Accelerate Program.  The following Mitacs programs are NOT impacted by these restrictions: 

MITACS Elevate proposals now accepted year round

As of today, the Mitacs Elevate program will be open all year round to provide more flexibility and unlock more opportunities for postdoc researchers across the globe!

This evolution is part of an ongoing effort to make Mitacs Elevate a more inclusive and accessible program and support academic-industry collaboration through the seasons. Plus, evergreen Elevate program now offers the following benefits:

No more deadlines — apply anytime
Elevate proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis.

A more efficient and accessible application process
Proposals can now be submitted through the Registration and Application Portal (RAP) for quick and easy access.

Agile research projects, $60K/year in funding
One-year projects will now be accepted for a standard $60,000 award per year to allow more researchers to participate in training and gain valuable experience.  Two-year projects are also still available as per previous guidelines.

Open to all sectors and disciplines
To simplify requirements, the thematic award will no longer be offered. This means postdocs from any sector or academic discipline can apply anytime.

For detailed program and application information, please visit: https://research.utoronto.ca/funding-opportunities/db/mitacs-elevate

Please note:  the applicant must also upload and submit the application through the university's My Research Application (MRA) System. The MRA approval process should be started well in advance in parallel to ensure a successful submission since it can take several business days to complete the approval process.

Mitacs Globalink Research Internship 2025: Call for Quantum Projects

Enhance your Summer 2025 research projects with international collaborations!

For a limited time, Mitacs is re-opening the Globalink Research Internship (GRI) Faculty Call for quantum applications only. Mitacs Globalink Research Internship (GRI) pairs professors in Canada with some of the world’s brightest undergrads for 12-week internships. They are prioritizing quantum projects to help drive groundbreaking research in this discipline —and your work can make a difference.

Work with exceptional undergrads from partner countries and regions including Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Mexico, South Korea, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

Submit your projects by July 26, 2024 at 1 p.m. PT to host a student in SUMMER 2025

Mitacs encourages multiple project submissions to facilitate successful matching.

Start now! globalink.mitacs.ca/#/pro

Mitacs provides support for travel, visa, accommodation, and living expenses.

Questions? Visit MITACS Website or contact us

National Research Council of Canada: The Pandemic Response Challenge Program - Call for Expression of Interest

The Pandemic Response Challenge Program is currently structured around four main research areas:

  • Rapid detection and diagnosis
  • Therapeutics and vaccine development
  • Digital health

Purpose: This program will build teams to address challenges requiring further research and development for solutions to meet COVID-19 related needs. The NRC will build these teams drawing on internal-to-government capacity and academic researchers who register using the button below to indicate their interest, and related areas of expertise and capabilities.

The NRC will receive $15M to form dedicated teams to address challenges in the areas of greatest research and development (R&D) need in the fight against COVID-19. The NRC Pandemic Response Challenge Program will accelerate the development of diagnostics and medical countermeasures for a rapid front-line response to protect and treat Canadians. This national vehicle will convene the best Canadian and international researchers from academia and small and medium-sized businesses to collectively accelerate R&D to address specific COVID-19 gaps and challenges as identified by Canadian health experts. 

Researchers at Canadian and international universities, government departments, colleges, and highly innovative firms with relevant expertise can now register their interest to work with NRC on these challenges by Registering via the link below.

On that linked page, you will be asked to identify your primary area of interest.  Please note that, as a 'radio button,' you can only select one Challenge area at a time.

Funding is available to help cover the costs of research for academic institutions, small and medium-sized businesses, and other eligible recipients participating in the challenge teams. Over the coming weeks, NRC will post the specific R&D challenges,  send information to registered researchers, and invite them to indicate the expertise and capabilities they can bring to a team.


Additional Information and Submission Guide

For more information about the different research areas for the NRC Pandemic Response Challenge, please visit the program website

In order to manage the University's response to the COVID-19 Challenge, please confirm your registration via a courtesy email to strat.initiatives@utoronto.ca identifying the Challenge stream to which you have registered.  As with other Challenges in relation to COVID-19, this is a rapidly evolving real-world situation, so please be patient as NRC finalizes program details.

National University of Singapore and U of T Joint Call for Proposals

National University of Singapore (NUS) and the University of Toronto (U of T) are hosting a joint call for proposals for collaborative research initiatives.  

The aim of the fund is to provide initial support for the development of research links and catalyze further collaboration in the following research areas:  

  • AI for Healthcare
  • AI for Science 
  • Semiconductor/Nanofabrication
  • Healthcare Technology 


Faculty members in continuing U of T appointments who are able to hold research funds at U of T are eligible to apply. 

Funding and Duration 

Up to five successful proposals will receive up to the following funding for a maximum duration of 18 months: 

  • NUS will provide each approved project up to SGD $30,000 to support NUS applicants.
  • U of T will provide each approved project up to CAD $30,000 to support U of T applicants  


  • Applications close: August 1, 2024 (11:59PM SGT in Singapore / 11:59AM EDT in Toronto)
  • Results announced: September 2, 2024
  • Projects start date: September 16, 2024
  • Projects end date: March 15, 2026  


A joint application should be submitted by both U of T and NUS PIs. Please use the Call Guidelines and templates published on the website for the Office of the Vice-President, International. U of T PIs must submit a joint NUS-U of T application on behalf of the project team through this link

More information about the fund can be found here

If you have questions, please get in touch with Alicja Sobecka (alicja.sobecka@utoronto.ca), Regional Lead for Southeast Asia, Japan, and Oceania, at Office of the Vice-President International. 

Faculty are encouraged to review U of T’s safeguarding research resources when developing their proposals. 

New Frontiers in Research Fund - Exploration 2024 competition

The 2024 NFRF Exploration grants competition has launched.

The objective of the Exploration stream is to support high-riskhigh-reward and interdisciplinary research. It seeks to inspire projects that bring disciplines together beyond traditional disciplinary or common interdisciplinary approaches by research teams with the capacity to explore something new that might fail, but that has the potential for significant impact.

Exploration grants support research with a range of impacts, some of which might be social, cultural, economic, health-related or technological. This list is not exhaustive; other types of impacts are also recognized. Diversity of perspectives is important, and the fund encourages research proposals led from any discipline, from those in the social sciences and humanities, to health, the natural sciences and engineering.

Grants awarded are up to $125,000 (including indirect costs) per year for two years.

KEY DATES (for UofT led applications)

Notice of Intent

MRA Deadline:  August 20, 2024 

Internal Deadline: August 26, 2024 - noon

Sponsor Deadline (RSO submits): August 27, 2024

Full Application

Optional Editorial Review - October 5, 2024 - noon

Internal Deadline: October 29, 2024

Sponsor Deadline (RSO submits): November 5, 2024

Additional Resources

2024 Exploration competition funding opportunity

UofT Funding Opportunities Page


Research Services Contacts

Jenny Korolik (jenny.korolik@utoronto.ca)

Sponsor Contact

Email: NFRF-FNFR@chairs-chaires.gc.ca

NIH Various Opportunities

The National Institutes of Health has released the following requests for applications and program announcements:
AIDS-Science Track Award for Research Transition (R03 Clinical Trial Optional) (PAS-21-270) Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement

Basic Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PAR-21-322) Application Receipt Date(s): Standard Deadlines Apply  

Basic Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PAR-21-323) Application Receipt Date(s): Standard Deadlines Apply  

Basic Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PAR-21-324) Application Receipt Date(s): Standard Deadlines Apply  

Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN): Biologic-based Drug Discovery and Development for Disorders of the Nervous System (UG3/UH3) (PAR-21-163)
Submission Deadline: Multiple dates, see announcement.

Building in vivo Preclinical Assays of Circuit Engagement for Application in Therapeutic Development (R01) (PAR-19-289).
Submission Deadline: Standard deadline dates apply.

BRAIN Initiative: Secondary Analysis and Archiving of BRAIN Initiative Data (R01) (RFA-MH-21-130) Submission Deadline: Multiple dates, see announcement.

BRAIN Initiative: Integration and Analysis of BRAIN Initiative Data (R01) (RFA-MH-21-135) Submission Deadline: Multiple dates, see announcement

BRAIN Initiative: Research on the Ethical Implications of Advancements in Neurotechnology and Brain Science (R01) (RFA-MH-21-205)
Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement

Clinical Characterization of Cancer Therapy-induced Adverse Sequelae and Mechanism-based Interventional Strategies (R01) (PAR-21-329)
Application Receipt Date(s): November 05, 2024

Clinical Studies of Mental Illness (R01) (PAR-19-297) Submission Deadline: Standard dates apply

Computational Approaches for Validating Dimensional Constructs of Relevance to Psychopathology (R01) (PAR-21-263)
Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement

Computationally-Defined Behaviors in Psychiatry (R21) (PAR-21-264) Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement

Development of Medications to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorders and Overdose (UG3/UH3) (PAR-20-092).
Submission Deadlines: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, beginning on February 24 , 2020.  

Dyadic Interpersonal Processes and Biopsychosocial Outcomes (R01) (PAR-21-280) Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement

Dyadic Interpersonal Processes and Biopsychosocial Outcomes (R01) (PAR-21-281) Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement

Fundamental Mechanisms of Affective and Decisional Processes in Cancer Control (PAR-20-034) Application Receipt Date(s): Standard dates apply.

Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R01) (PAR-21-311) Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement

Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R21) (PAR-21-319) Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement

Grand Opportunity in Medications Development for Substance-Use Disorders (U01) (PAR-19-327) Submission Deadline: on a rolling basis, beginning on August 26, 2019

Grand Opportunity in Medications Development for Substance-Use Disorders (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) (PAR-19-327).
Submission Deadlines: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, beginning on August 26, 2019

Heart, Lung, and Blood Co-morbiditieS Implementation Models in People Living with HIV (HLB SIMPLe) (UG3/UH3) (RFA-HL-20-025).
Application Receipt Date(s): Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Date(s)

Heart, Lung, and Blood Co-morbiditieS Implementation Models in People Living with HIV (HLB-SIMPLe) Research Coordinating Center (U24) (RFA-HL-20-026)
Application Receipt Date(s): Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Date(s)

HIV Vaccine Research and Design (HIVRAD) Program (P01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
(PAR-21-024) Submission Deadline: Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Date(s)

Imaging - Science Track Award for Research Transition (I/START) (R03) (PAR-21-309) Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement.

Imaging - Science Track Award for Research Transition (I/START) (R03) (PAR-21-310) Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement.

Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE): Neurotherapeutic Agent Characterization and In vivo Efficacy Studies (R61/R33) (PAR-21-122)
Submission Deadline: Multiple dates, see announcement.

Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE): Development and Validation of Model Systems to Facilitate Neurotherapeutic Discovery (R61/R33)
(PAR-21-123) Submission Deadline: Multiple dates, see announcement.

Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE): Assay Development and Neurotherapeutic Agent Identification (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
(PAR-21-124) Submission Deadline: Multiple dates, see announcement.

Innovative Mental Health Services Research Not Involving Clinical Trials (R01) (PAR-21-316) Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement.

Investigator Initiated Research in Computational Genomics and Data Science (R01) (PAR-21-254) Application Receipt Date(s): Standard dates apply

Investigator Initiated Research in Computational Genomics and Data Science (R21) (PAR-21-255) Application Receipt Date(s): Standard dates apply

Leveraging Big Data Science to Elucidate the Mechanisms of HIV Activity and Interaction with Substance Use Disorder (RFA-DA-21-040)
Submission Deadline: Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Date.

Leveraging Big Data Science to Elucidate the Mechanisms of HIV Activity and Interaction with Substance Use Disorder (RFA-DA-21-041)
Submission Deadline: Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Date.

Modular R01s in Cancer Control and Population Sciences (R01) (PAR-21-190) Submission Deadline: Multiple dates, see announcement.

Mood and Psychosis Symptoms during the Menopause Transition (R01) (PAR-22-035) Application Receipt Date(s): January 07, 2025

Mood and Psychosis Symptoms during the Menopause Transition (R21) (PAR-22-036) Application Receipt Date(s): January 07, 2025

Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSCs) as Potential Therapeutic Targets in TB/HIV (R21)(PAR-19-364). 
Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Dates

Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSCs) as Potential Therapeutic Targets in TB/HIV (R01) (PAR-19-357).
Submission Deadline: AIDS Application Due Dates

New Models of Integrated HIV/AIDS, Addiction, and Primary Care Services (R01) (PAR-20-273)
Submission Deadlines: Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Date(s)

New Models of Integrated HIV/AIDS, Addiction, and Primary Care Services (R34)
(PAR-20-274) Submission Deadlines: Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Date(s)

NIA Multi-site Clinical Trial Implementation Grant (R01)  (PAR-19-302) Submission Deadline: Standard dates apply

Non-Invasive Neurostimulation in AD/ADRD (R01) (PAR-19-298) Submission Deadline: Standard dates apply

Priority HIV/AIDS Research within the Mission of the NIDDK (R01) (PAS-21-031) Submission Deadline: AIDS Application Due Dates

Program to Assess the Rigor and Reproducibility of Extracellular Vesicle-Derived Analytes for Cancer Detection (R01) (PAR-20-053)
Application Receipt Date(s): Standard dates apply

Small Research Grant Program for the Next Generation of Clinical Researchers in AD/ADRD Research: Area of Focus Archiving and Leveraging Existing Data Sets for Analyses (R03) (PAS-19-391) Application Receipt Date(s): Standard dates apply

Small Research Grant Program for the Next Generation of Clinical Researchers in AD/ADRD Research: Area of Focus Basic Science (R03) (PAS-19-392)
Application Receipt Date(s): Standard dates apply.

Small Research Grant Program for the Next Generation of Clinical Researchers in AD/ADRD Research: Area of Focus Systems Biology (R03) (PAS-19-393) 
Application Receipt Date(s): Standard dates apply

Stimulating Innovations in Behavioral Intervention Research for Cancer Prevention and Control (R21) (PAR-19-309) Submission Deadline: Standard dates apply

Toward ElucidAting MechanismS Contributing to HIV Reservoirs in NIDDK-relevant Tissues (Cure TEAMS) (R01) (RFA-DK-20-023)
Submission Deadline: Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Date(s)

Toward ElucidAting MechanismS of HIV Pathogenesis within the Mission of the NIDDK (Pathogenesis TEAMS) (R01) (RFA-DK-20-022) Submission Deadline: Only accepting applications for the AIDS Application Due Date(s)

Utilizing the PLCO Biospecimens Resource to Bridge Gaps in Cancer Etiology and Early Detection Research (U01) (PAR-21-330)
Application Receipt Date(s): October 11, 2024

Visit here to see the National Institutes of Health’s recently released requests for applications and program announcementsFor more information on NIH application and the submission process, please visit the University’s Research Funding Opportunities found here.

*NIH is informing the applicant of changes to grant application forms and application guide instructions for due dates on or after January 25, 2022.  Application guides for FORMS-G application packages will be posted to the How to Apply - Application Guide page..

Novartis Health Equity Initiative 

The Novartis Health Equity Initiative is a $500,000 CAD fund created to help tackle persistent health disparities and promote equal access to healthcare in Canada. The initiative focuses primarily on projects aimed at addressing the following health equity areas of focus:

  • Social and cultural inclusivity of care - Significant health inequalities remain entrenched among Indigenous peoples, sexual and racial minorities and people living with functional limitations.
  • Health support for newly arrived immigrants - New immigrants may experience a decline in the quality of their health after arriving in Canada due to a lack of culturally and linguistically appropriate information and services, and experiences of racism in the healthcare system.
  • Health literacy and education - Many people identify a ‘lack of information, changing health recommendations and contradictory advice’ as key barriers to improving their health.


Strong applications will focus on systemic inequities that address the fundamental causes of unequal health outcomes within Canada and have active involvement of impacted communities and individuals with living/lived experiences.

Submit applications HERE by September 15, 2024.

Funding Decisions: By October 2024.

Funding Distribution: By December 2024.

Funding Period:  One time funding for initiatives with implementation in 2024-2025.

For more information, please visit their website 


NSERC Alliance grants: Canada’s Research Partnerships Program

NSERC is pleased to announce that Alliance grants are now open for all Option 1 requesting more than $20,000 annually from NSERC, and Option 2 applications requesting over $30,000 and up to $100,000 annually from NSERC.  For Option 2, the number of applications from each applicant (as principal investigator or as co-applicant) will be limited to one within a 12-month period. As with the staged Option 1 introduction in 2019, the full range of Option 2 applications will be accepted only at some point in the future. Alliance Option 2 applications will be evaluated in two stages. Complete applications will be submitted to a multidisciplinary and multisectoral selection committee that will assess whether the higher NSERC contribution (associated with Option 2) is justified. The selection committee will meet on a quarterly basis, starting in the Spring of 2020. If selected, applications will then proceed to the second step for review of overall merit, similar to Option 1.

For full details about Alliance grants and how to apply, please visit: http://www.research.utoronto.ca/research-funding-opportunities/natural-sciences-and-engineering-research-council-of-canada-alliance-grants/

**Please note NSERC will require the completion of a risk assessment form for your research project, as part of your Alliance application.


  1. New Announcement from NSERC:  effective immediately, all new NSERC-Alliance Option 1 applications may request up to 66.7% of the project costs (2:1 leverage) from NSERC, regardless of partner organization size or sector. This change does not affect or apply to applications submitted prior to June 23, 2023.
    The remainder of NSERC's website and other program materials may not yet have been updated to reflect this change. The above statement therefore supersedes information on Option 1 cost sharing (i.e., 50% cost sharing / 1:1 leverage) that currently appears below and elsewhere.
    If you have any questions, please contact us at alliance@nserc-crsng.gc.ca.

For more information, see Alliance Advantage – Partner organizations or Alliance Society – Partner organizations

  • NSERC-Alliance Grants encourage university researchers to collaborate with partner organizations, which can be from the private, public or not-for-profit sectors. These grants support research projects led by strong, complementary, collaborative teams that will generate new knowledge and accelerate the application of research results to create benefits for Canada.
    As of November 10, 2022, the funding limit request for Alliance Option 2 projects will increase to $1,000,000 per year. Additionally, there will no longer be a limit on the number of applications that researchers can submit.
    In February 2022, NSERC removed the requirement for cash contributions from the partners, although NSERC still requires that at least one of the project partners would be deemed eligible as a cash-contributing partner.  NSERC now funds 100% of these project costs.
    Suitable Alliance Option 2 projects involve research with longer-term societal benefits, but needing current attention to further the knowledge base.  Option 2 funding will provide for crucial advances towards the eventual goal.  The main expectation is that the outcomes will reach beyond the partner organizations to impact society.
    If you have any questions, please contact alliance@nserc-crsng.gc.ca.
  • New Names for Cost Sharing Options 

    The first visible change is new names for Alliance grants cost sharing Options 1 and 2. 

    Alliance Advantage (formerly cost sharing Option 1) is designed for partner-driven projects. The grants support the objectives of Alliance with a focus on the partners’ goals, with at least one partner sharing in the costs of research. NSERC will contribute up to 66.7% (2:1 leverage) of the project’s direct costs for successful applications.

     Alliance Society (formerly cost sharing Option 2) is designed for projects with societal impact as the main driver. NSERC covers 100% of these project costs. 

  • Providing efficient and responsive proposal assessment

    Streamlined merit criteria

    The merit criteria used to evaluate applications have been streamlined, with the number of sub-criteria reduced from 11 to 8. The changes will make assessment more clear-cut for both applicants and reviewers. The Alliance grants proposal template has changed to reflect the revised, streamlined merit criteria. For more information, see Alliance Advantage – Apply or Alliance Society – Apply.

    Applicants with a proposal under way may use the previous proposal template until March 31, 2024.

    Improving assessment times for more projects

    To reduce turnaround times, NSERC is raising the threshold below which it will consider an internal review for Alliance Advantage projects from an annual request of $30,000 to $75,000. For more information, see Alliance Advantage – Review of your application.

  • Extensions with funding

    One of the barriers to continued collaborations is the time limit on grants. To date, NSERC has extended grants automatically for one year (and by request in extenuating circumstances), but these extensions did not involve additional funding. Now, Alliance Advantage grants may be extended for an additional year with funding, to allow universities and their partners to take advantage of new research directions that arise during a project. For more information, see Alliance Advantage – During your research project.

  • Broadening the range of partner organizations recognized for cost sharing

    A greater range of partners can now be recognized for cost sharing in Alliance grants. Potential partner organizations now include:

    • all registered charities
    • unions
    • registered companies
  • Conflict of interest guidelines

    These guidelines have changed to provide flexible access to NSERC Alliance grants while ensuring that funds are used responsibly and that all research participants are protected. Institutions will now manage conflicts of interest and put mitigation plans in place according to their own policies. For more information, see Alliance Advantage – Partner organizations or Alliance Society – Partner organizations.

  • Promoting participation of early career researchers in Alliance Advantage

To help more ECRs participate in Alliance Advantage grants, ECRs will no longer be required to hold an active peer-reviewed grant from NSERC as a condition for internal review when they are co-applicants for small Alliance Advantage grants (now up to $75,000 annually). For more information, see Alliance Advantage – Review of your application.

  • NSERC online system updates

    New modules have been added to the online system to streamline the application process. In the Partnership module, applicants will attest their compliance with the new conflict of interest guidelines and indicate if their partnership involves a private sector organization. For private sector partnerships, applicants must attach the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships’ risk assessment form to its dedicated upload module. These new modules are captured in the validation step to help ensure that submission requirements are met

Additional Information

Please consult the Alliance Latest News page and the updated Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

As of February 18, 2022, Alliance Option 2 has been simplified to one single cost sharing ratio of 100% from NSERC for proposals involving partners from any sector (private, public or not-for-profit). As a result, the requirement for partner organizations to commit 10% of the project’s cash budget, when partners from the private sector are involved, has been removed.

For full program details visit: https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/innovate-innover/alliance-alliance/funding-financement_eng.asp


NSERC Discovery NOI; NSERC Webinars-How to submit a Notification of Intent to Apply-Discovery Grants Program

We would like to inform you that the mandatory Notice of Intent form for the 2025 Discovery Grant competition is available through the NSERC Research Portal.  In order to apply for a Discovery Grant in November 2024 an applicant MUST complete and submit an online Notice of Intent by August 1, 2024, by 8pm (ET)

NSERC will not accept any NOI after the deadline.

Plese Note:  An MRA is not required at the NOI stage and is only required for your full application.

Webinars on completing the NOI

Additionally, we would like to let you know that NSERC will be hosting webinars to further assist the researchers with the NOI stage of the application process.

NSERC offers a series of pre-recorded videos followed by live Q&A sessions which are meant to assist the research community on how to complete an application using the Research Portal and the NSERC Canadian Common CV (CCV). You will find below the pre-recorded videos as well as the dates for these upcoming live Q&A sessions. .

NSERC asks that you please view the  pre-recorded videos prior to attending a live Q&A session, as the material presented in the videos will not be repeated. 

In preparation, NSERC recommends that you familiarize yourself with the following documents:

Pre-registration is not required to attend the live Q&A sessions. The session will be open 15 minutes in advance. Considering the high attendance to our live Q&A sessions, NSERC staff may not have time to respond to all individual questions during the sessions. Any additional questions should be directed to the NSERC support team at NSERC Discovery.

NSERC PromoScience

NSERC's PromoScience Program offers financial support for organizations working with young Canadians to promote an understanding of science and engineering (including math and technology). Organizations may request funds for up to three years at a time.

NSERC invites applications for initiatives that promote natural sciences and engineering (NSE) to Canada’s young people, particularly to underrepresented groups in NSE careers. In the context of PromoScience, underrepresented groups include, but are not limited to, girls; Indigenous youth (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis); youth with disabilities, members of visible minorities/racialized groups; and members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. Recognizing the need to increase the participation of underrepresented groups in the NSE, NSERC may support additional meritorious applications with targeted programming for underrepresented groups if sufficient funds become available. PromoScience supports activities and content designed for youth in elementary school and high school (including those in the equivalent first year of college in Quebec) and their educators, as well as activities that will encourage Indigenous undergraduate students to pursue graduate studies in the NSE.

Furthermore, NSERC encourages organizations to consider the needs of official language minority communities in their area while developing the activities to be proposed in the application and to strive to have official documentation and promotional material in both official languages.

The maximum allowable request is $200,000/year for three years.

Key Deadlines:
Internal Deadline: 
September 9, 2024, 9am EST
Sponsor Deadline: September 16, 2024, before 8pm EST

Please see additional information about this program on the NSERC PromoScience Website.

For more info, you can also contact Jennifer Farooq at jen.farooq@utoronto.ca.

NSERC - Swiss National Science Foundation

Building on the 2018 Joint Statement on Science, Technology, and Innovation between Canada and Switzerland, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) are pleased to announce their cooperation to enhance opportunities for research collaborations between academic researchers in Canada and Switzerland working in natural sciences and engineering. This cooperation will leverage existing programs to encourage and facilitate greater collaboration between our two countries.

NSERC’s Alliance International Catalyst grants offer support for Canadian researchers to establish and initiate research collaborations with international academic researchers, while the SNSF’s Scientific Exchanges program supports research exchanges of up to six months between Swiss researchers and international partners. Canadian researchers may request funding through Alliance International Catalyst grants and their Swiss collaborator may request funding from the SNSF’s Scientific Exchanges program.  

To support larger collaborative projects, researchers can use NSERC’s Alliance International Collaboration grants and the SNSF’s project grants. To access NSERC funding, a Canadian researcher named as a project partner on a successful SNSF project grant uses that grant as a springboard to apply for an Alliance International Collaboration grant to support their involvement in the project. The role and contribution of the Canadian researcher in the collaborative project must be described in the Swiss proposal. Canadian researchers should consult the Alliance International program description for detailed information on requirements and eligibility.

NZ-Canada Horizon Europe Cluster 5 Webinar

Researchers are invited to attend a webinar jointly coordinated by Universities Canada and Universities New Zealand. It will be an opportunity to hear from the New Zealand experience with Pillar II of Horizon Europe, who have benefitted from associated status 11 months longer than Canada.

Webinar Date:  Tuesday, July 30th, 2024 (5pm-6:30pm)

Click here to register and obtain the link to the webinar

This webinar will dive into upcoming Cluster 5 calls on climate, energy and mobility, which close on January 21, 2025. It will also provide opportunities to connect researchers in both countries who have indicated shared interest on exploring collaborations with a focus on Cluster 5. It will also include a presentation on best practices by National Contact Points from Canada and New Zealand.

While the intent of the webinar is to focus on Cluster 5 calls for proposals and look for opportunities to connect researchers open to exploring potential research partnerships in this cluster (climate energy and mobility), other researchers with broader interests wishing to listen to the webinar are welcome.

Contact: Shawn Hughes at Universities Canada  (shughes@univcan.ca).

Ontario Centre of Innovation: Collaborate 2 Commercialize - Call for Applications

The Ontario Centre for Innovation’s Collaborate 2 Commercialize program (C2C, formerly VIP) supports Industry/Academia collaboration solving an industry-based problem and driving the commercialization of Intellectual Property [IP]. The institution leverages the unique skills and specialized infrastructure instrumental in streamlining internal innovations and commercialization needs. Benefits include targeted training of individuals and direct engagement with Industry to work on commercially viable solutions.

Grant Program: Collaborate 2 Commercialize (C2C, formerly VIP)

C2C has two variants/options:

1:  C2C R&D Standalone Grant

2:  C2C grant combined with NSERC Alliance Grant

  • OCI cash contribution $20K-$30K (Industry Direct Cash $10K-$15K + in-kind, cash matched 2:1 by OCI, and also matched 2:1 by NSERC for an additional $20K-$30K Project duration 6-12 months
  • companies must be Ontario SMEs (global headcount <500 employees)
  • More info: https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Innovate-Innover/VIP-BIP_eng.asp  (NSERC website may still refer to VIP rather than C2C)

For full application information and guidelines please visit: https://research.utoronto.ca/funding-opportunities/db/ontario-centre-innovation-collaborate-2-commercialize

Please note: the applicant must upload and submit the application through the university's My Research Application (MRA) System.  MRA is the internal University approval system that confirms support for your application from your department/faculty.

SDGs Scholars Academy - Call for Nominations for Fellows

The SDGs@UofT Institutional Strategic Initiative (ISI) and the Institutes for Resilient and Inclusive Societies and Ecosystems (iRISE) are pleased to announce the second call for nominations for fellows of the SDGs Scholars Academy.

The SDGs Scholars Academy is a think tank that brings together and support a global community of scholars, policy makers and practitioners in open discussion and dialogue to conduct convergence research that disrupts status quo thinking and addresses complex issues crucial to sustainable development. It mobilizes knowledge critical to advancing resilient, just, equitable, and sustainable futures, based on the current and next iteration of the SDG framework post 2030.

Nominations for Fellows

We are seeking nominations for fellows to the Academy. The following eligibility requirements must be followed to nominate a fellow:

  • Candidates will be full-time faculty members with their primary appointment at the University of Toronto.
  • Candidates will be researchers whose scholarship is relevant to multiple SDGs who are interested in leading and participating in the synthesis and catalyst research activities. They will have an appointment for up to four years if they are a faculty member at the University of Toronto, renewable once.
  • Candidates will have a proven commitment to partnership and collaboration, and engagement in local, national, or international fora.
  • Candidates should demonstrate their commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion through their scholarship and use of anti-oppression praxis in their teaching and research where applicable.
  • Candidates will demonstrate potential to (1) accelerate convergence research that reflects epistemological and methodological diversity, and (2) empower trainees to engage in convergence research related to the SDGs.

Nomination Process & Deadline

Full-time faculty can nominate a colleague or self-nominate. 

Details about the nomination process are posted on the SDGs@UofT website.

Nominations must be uploaded to the completed nomination form by Monday August 19th, 2024.

All inquiries or technical questions can be sent via email to sdg.admin@utoronto.ca.

About the SDGs@UofT

The new Institutes for Resilient and Inclusive Societies and Ecosystems (iRISE) is dedicated to solving complex problems facing society. The SDGs@UofT is an Institutional Strategic Initiative (ISI) that is a key part of iRISE. It seeks to catalyze positive convergence research that guides effective actions on the SDGs and informs future global goals for an equitable and sustainable future.

SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals - update on delay of next funding opportunity

SSHRC has announced that the next Aid to Scholarly Journals (ASJ) competition will be delayed from summer 2024 to summer 2025, as they say that this delay will allow more time for engagement with the research and journal communities and other stakeholders as the three federal research funding agencies (SSHRC, NSERC and CIHR) conduct a review of the current Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications with the goal of making any peer-reviewed journal articles resulting from agency-supported research freely available, without subscription fee, at the time of publication. That new OA policy will be released by the end of 2025.

Once the new ASJ competition guidelines have been released by SSHRC, then potential applicants may view them on the SSHRC ASJ website, and UofT applicants can also go to RSO's funding opportunities database to view the SSHRC ASJ listing for internal deadlines and other information/resources.

Please see SSHRC's full message sent out about this on Dec 19, 2023, copied below. ***For those who are current ASJ holders, please note the information in bold at the bottom of SSHRC's message, as more information will be forthcoming in the future.

"In July 2023, the three federal research funding agencies announced a review of the current Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications (OA Policy) with the goal of making any peer-reviewed journal articles resulting from agency-supported research freely available, without subscription fee, at the time of publication. The renewed Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications policy will be released by the end of 2025.

SSHRC’s Aid to Scholarly Journals (ASJ) funding opportunity plays an important role in supporting the OA Policy. Transitioning the ASJ funding opportunity to support journals that adopt immediate open access will provide Canadian social sciences and humanities researchers with high-quality publications in which they may publish their research results, while removing barriers to access these research articles.

To facilitate an effective, sustainable and equitable transition of the ASJ funding opportunity toward immediate open access, SSHRC is delaying the launch of the next ASJ funding cycle from summer 2024 to summer 2025. This delay will allow more time for engagement with the research and journal communities and other stakeholders. Current ASJ grant recipients will receive a funded one-year extension to their grants. Further details will be communicated closer to the end-date of the current awards.

If you have questions, please contact scholarlyjournals@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca."

2024 SSHRC Insight Grant competition - Application now open and Info sessions

SSHRC has now updated the Insight Grant competition guidelines for the 2024 competition. Insight Grants support long-term research initiatives in the social sciences and humanities. They offer awards from $7,000 to $400,000 over 2 to 5 years, with a maximum annual budget of $100,000. Funding is available to emerging and established scholars for projects conducted by an individual researcher or team of researchers.

For full IG guidelines, please visit the SSHRC website here (which also has the link to the online application form through the SSHRC site and the IG application instructions). 

  • Monday, September 23, 2024 (noon) - receipt of approved MRA
    • Approved MRA must be received by Research Services (MRA may take several days for divisional approval, please submit well in advance). The MRA should include at least a draft proposal and finalized budget amount (but check with your department/administrative unit if more is required, or if they have an earlier internal deadline). For instructions on how to submit an MRA, please see this webpage, and for technical assistance, please contact raise@utoronto.ca
  • Friday, September 27, 2024 (9 am) - online submission of final SSHRC application via the SSHRC site
    • Applicant must submit completed SSHRC application via SSHRC site (please note, submitting after this time may reduce our ability to submit your application to SSHRC by their deadline of Oct 1st, as Research Services must complete an administrative review of all applications (for eligibility concerns) before forwarding them to SSHRC through the SSHRC site).

For details on the submission process and institutional approval, and for links to other resources, please see the UofT Research & Innovation Funding Opportunity webpage for the SSHRC IG: https://research.utoronto.ca/funding-opportunities/db/insight-grants.

Information sessions 

The Centre for Research & Innovation Support (CRIS), in collaboration with Research Services Office, is hosting an information session on the upcoming 2024 SSHRC Insight Grant (IG) competition for the University of Toronto community. Please register for the SSHRC Insight Grant: Strategies for Success session, scheduled for August 14, 2024 from 10:30am to 12:00pm

In addition to the UofT information session, SSHRC will host its own webinars for applicants and research administrators to provide information concerning the upcoming IG October 2024 competition via WebEx, including a question answer session. Advance registration is not required. Detailed information of the webinars is below:

French Date: August 22, 2024 Time (ET): 10 - 11:30 am link: Cisco Webex Meetings
English Date: August 22, 2024 Time (ET): 1 - 2:30 pm link: Cisco Webex Meetings

If you have technical questions, please contact the SSHRC helpdesk at 613-995-4273 or webgrant@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca  

For any questions about the IG, please contact SSHRC by email at: insightgrants@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca or call 1-855-275-2861. For this and any other upcoming webinars hosted by SSHRC, please go to the SSHRC webinar webpage.

The above details and other resources (including links to register for the UofT-hosted IG sessions) are available on the UofT Research and Innovation IG webpage.

For full guidelines for this funding opportunity, please see SSHRC's IG webpage.

SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Envisioning Governance Systems that Work

SSHRC, in partnership with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), is pleased to launch a Knowledge Synthesis Grants competition to mobilize, examine and synthesize social sciences and humanities research on Envisioning Governance Systems that Work. 

Envisioning Governance Systems that Work is one of the 16 global future challenges identified through SSHRC’s Imagining Canada’s Future initiative. These complex issues, identified in 2018 following an extensive foresight exercise, reflect key challenges that Canada and the world are likely to face over the coming decades. All the challenges cross multiple sectors, jurisdictions and research disciplines, and require broad collaboration to address. A full summary of the context of this funding competition (including the themes or questions intended for guidance for applicants) is available on SSHRC's website here.

SSHRC, CIHR, UKRI-AHRC and UKRI-ESRC have partnered on this funding opportunity to support research that will foster a deeper understanding of the state of knowledge about the global challenge of Envisioning Governance Systems that Work. This competition includes two streams:

  • Stream 1 will be reserved for applications submitted by an applicant affiliated with an eligible Canadian institution. Up to 20 grants of up to C$30,000 per project may be awarded. SSHRC may fund up to 17 projects and CIHR may fund up to three. The projects funded by CIHR must address governance questions that directly or indirectly impact population health and/or social inequities in health, such as governance of public health systems, healthy cities, and global health.
  • Stream 2 will be reserved for applications jointly submitted by two applicants, one based in Canada and the other in the United Kingdom, who are affiliated with eligible institutions in their respective countries. SSHRC, UKRI-AHRC and UKRI-ESRC may jointly fund up to 27 projects. Grants will be up to C$30,000 in total per project. The international teams should include balanced budget requests for both portions of the project with their application, directed to SSHRC, UKRI-AHRC and/or UKRI-ESRC, respectively. Budgets cannot exceed a maximum 60/40% or 40/60% split across the two agencies (e.g., C$18,000/£10,517 or £7,011/C$12,000). For more information, please see the "Value and duration" section of the program guidelines on SSHRC's KSG website here.

Deadlines for UofT applicants:

Internal deadline #1 (MRA) - noon, Tuesday, December 3, 2024: 

  • receipt by Research Services of an approved MRA - please include at least a draft application and finalized budget amount (note that after you submit it, your MRA may take several days to receive approvals from department, division etc. so please submit it well before the deadline)

Internal deadline #2 (full application submission) - 9 am, Tuesday, December 10, 2024:

  • submission on the SSHRC site of the finalized application

For more on the internal deadlines and other information, please see the UofT webpage for this competition here. For full competition details and to access the form and application instructions, please visit the SSHRC website:


For further information on this call, please contact the sponsors: 

Stream 1 and Stream 2—Applicants affiliated with a Canadian institution
Email: KSG-SSC@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca
Toll-free: 1-855-275-2861

Stream 2—Applicants affiliated with a United Kingdom institution
Email: Ksgongovernance@esrc.ukri.org

SSHRC Partnership Development Grants - November 2024 competition now open

SSHRC has now released the updated guidelines and application instructions for the November 2024 Partnership Development Grants competition.

SSHRC's Partnership Development Grants provide support to:

  • develop research and related activities in the social sciences and humanities, including knowledge mobilization and the meaningful involvement of students and new scholars, by fostering new research partnership activities involving existing and/or potential partners; or
  • design and test new partnership approaches for research and/or related activities that may result in best practices or models that either can be adapted by others or have the potential to be scaled up at a regional, national or international level.


Proposals to this funding opportunity can have a duration of 1-3 years with a budget that can range between $75,000 and $200,000.  Applicants are required to secure Cash/In-Kind contributions towards their proposal but no minimum value is required.  Partners, as outlined in the proposal, must provide evidence that they have entered into a formal partnership.

For UofT applicants: Information on internal deadlines (including the required MRA), proposal development and editorial review options, any upcoming and previous webinars, and links to other resources may be found on the SSHRC PDG listing on the UofT Research and Innovation Funding Opportunities Database. 

For complete PDG program information, please see SSHRC's PDG webpage here

Tri-Agency and CFI launch new STRAC Policy

As of May 1 2024, the Tri-Agency federal granting agencies (NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC) as well as the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) implemented the Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC) policy which was announced earlier this year.  All applications to these agencies and programs must adhere to the STRAC Policy, as outlined on the Tri-Agency Guidance on the STRAC Policy webpage.   

 To be eligible to receive new research funding in any Sensitive Technology Research Area (STRA) from the CIHR, SSHRC, NSERC and the CFI, each investigator named in the application must provide an individual Attestation that they do not have any affiliation nor are in receipt of funding or in-kind support from any entity on the Named Research Organizations.  

?Additionally, the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships (NSGRP) currently implemented in the NSERC Alliance program will be expanded to multiple Tri-Agency and CFI applications that have a corporate partner. 

As always, applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the federal Safeguarding Your Research portal as requirements and information may be updated. 

Questions or comments directed to NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC and the CFI may be addressed to researchsecurity@nserc-crsng.gc.ca

The CFI has launched a new webpage on research security for its programs. 

For U of T specific resources and questions, please consult the internal Research Security website?and email address: 



U of T Public Policy Reports Collection: Call for Submissions

The Division of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (VPRI) and the University of Toronto Libraries (UTL) are calling for submissions to the U of T Public Policy Reports Collection.

This collection assembles public policy-related research reports produced by University of Toronto units. It is a collection of grey literature (research not published through traditional means such as in an academic journal). It is housed in TSpace, a free and secure research repository established by the University of Toronto Libraries to disseminate and preserve the scholarly record of U of T. The collection aims to improve discoverability of U of T contributions in a variety of areas including local, provincial, national, and global public policy.


We invite submissions to the Public Policy Reports Collection that meet the following criteria:

  • At least one report author was a faculty, fellow, student or staff at U of T when the report was issued.
  • Authored by U of T academic units with explicit U of T branding and affiliation of the author.
  • Not published in an academic journal in an identical form. 

Benefits to Researchers:

The U of T Public Policy Reports Collection provides permanent URLs on a high-traffic repository, enabling timely research to be available sooner than through traditional scholarly publication channels. Many U of T faculty produce public policy reports outside of traditional publishing and dissemination channels. These reports are not easily found through standard bibliometric searches or through search engines and can be lost when department or personal websites are redesigned.

For more information and instructions on submitting public policy reports to the collection, please visit: https://research.utoronto.ca/reports-publications-metrics/public-policy-reports-collection  

University of Toronto (U of T) Call for Proposals - Southeast Asia

The University of Toronto (U of T) has launched a call for proposals to support collaborative education and research initiatives with institutions in Southeast Asia. This call invites project proposals with institutions in the following countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and The Philippines. The fund is open for proposals across all research areas. 

Funding and Duration 

  • Awarded funds will range between $15,000 and $25,000 CAD 
  • The duration of the project is from December 1, 2024 to December 1, 2025 

Key Dates 

  • Call for Proposals Closes: September 15, 2024 
  • Start Date of Awards: December 1, 2024 


  • Faculty members in continuing U of T appointments from all disciplines are eligible to apply. 
  • The home institution of the collaborator outside U of T must be based in Southeast Asia in one of the following countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam. 

Please see the Call for Proposal Guidelines for more information. 

If you have questions, please get in touch with Alicja Sobecka, Regional Lead for Southeast Asia, Japan, and Oceania, at Office of the Vice-President International, at alicja.sobecka@utoronto.ca.    

Faculty are encouraged to review U of T’s safeguarding research resources when developing their proposals. 

Do not use MRA to submit this application.

University of Zurich (UZH) Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme

The University of Zurich (UZH) is hosting a call for applications for the Global Strategy and Partnership Funding Scheme. This program is dedicated to enhancing the visibility and impact of its international network.  

This program includes the Seed Fund and the Project Fund, which support collaborative projects related to research and teaching between the University of Zurich and over 35 partner universities, including the University of Toronto. 


There are three funding schemes available: 

  • A travel grant (up to CHF 1,200) – flexible deadline 
  • A seed fund (up to CHF 5,000 per project) 
  • Project fund (up to CHF 60,000 per project, including co-funding) 


  • The main applicant must be from the University of Zurich 
  • At least one partner applicant must be from at least one of the partner universities 
  • Applications are handed in to the University of Zurich by the main applicant 

Important Dates 

The application deadline for the Seed and Project Fund is August 16, 2024

How to apply 

Application instructions and more information about the funding opportunity can be found here. 

Faculty are encouraged to review U of T’s safeguarding research resources when developing their proposals. 

Do not use MRA to submit this application. 

US grant prohibitions on Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (MFTRP)

Research Alert – US grant prohibitions on Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (MFTRP) 

Who is this for: UofT researchers participating in US Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Energy (DoE), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and/or National Science Foundation (NSF) awards.

Implementation Dates:

  • June 7th 2019 (DoE awards - under a previous DoE specific provision)
  • May 20th, 2024 (NSF awards)
  • August 9th, 2024 (DoD and NIH awards; and DoE under the new provisions)

Please Note: this applies to new and currently active awards.


The research security provisions of the CHIPS & Science Act 2022 are to prevent undisclosed conflicts of interest or commitment, the inappropriate transfer of research to foreign governments, violation of export control laws, and theft of intellectual property in US federally funded research.

Obligations of those who receive US Federal Research Funding:

Under the Act, a “Covered Individual” defined as “an individual who (A) contributes in a substantive, meaningful way to the scientific development or execution of a research and development project proposed to be carried out with a research and development award from a Federal research agency; and (B) is designated as a covered individual by the Federal research agency concerned.”  will need to (i) certify that they are not an active participant in a MFTRP at time of proposal submission, and (ii) annually thereafter, for the life of the award. They will also (iii) need to disclose participation in all Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (FTRP).  Researchers applying for funding through these agencies are strongly encouraged to review the FTRP and MFTRP definitions here: Guidelines for Federal Research Agencies Regarding Foreign Talent.

Proposals submitted or awards granted after August 9th, 2022 with past MFTRP participation may warrant additional scrutiny and require mitigation measures, as determined by the relevant granting agency.

For additional resources on US Research Security requirements, please see individual granting agencies:

Additional information on US Research Security requirements is forthcoming. Please direct questions to the VPRI Research Security Team at researchsecurity@utoronto.ca.

Additional UofT Research Security information:  

United States Department of Defense (DOD) - Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs - Funding Opportunities

US Department of Defense (DOD) Office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has released pre-funding announcements for the following programs:

Hearing Restoration Research Program (HRRP)

Focused Research Award

Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Parkinson’s (NETP)

Early Investigator Research Award
Investigator-Initiated Research Award
Synergistic Idea Award (NEW!)

Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP)

Prostate Cancer Pathology Resource Network Award
*Descriptions of each of the funding opportunities, eligibility, key mechanism elements, and funding can be found in the respective Program pre-announcement at http://cdmrp.army.mil

Application Information:
UofT campus based applicants should select Toronto, University of for the institution and indicate the appropriate Research Services Office contact (see below) as the Business Official in their pre-application in the eBRAP System.  

Contact Information:
Krista Montgomery (krista.montgomery@utoronto.ca): for UofT Faculty appointed within Dalla Lana, Applied Sci & Eng, Dentistry, Forestry, Kinesiology & PE, Nursing, Pharmacy, UTM, and Medicine (last names A-M only).

Deadlines: Individual deadlines available at http://cdmrp.army.mil


IDRC Research Awards 2025

This year, IDRC will offer research awards related to these development areas or themes:   

  • Climate-resilient food systems (based in Nairobi) 
  • Democratic and inclusive governance (based in New Delhi) 
  • Education and science    
  • Ethics in development research   
  • Global health 
  • Policy and evaluation, and   
  • Sustainable inclusive economies.  

All awards will be based in Ottawa except for the Climate-resilient food systems award that will be based in Nairobi, and the Democratic and inclusive governance award based in New Delhi. 

Apply now

Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSC) Global Fellowship

The Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSC) Global Fellowship opportunity is offered by the European Commission and is designed to help create long-term collaborations and new knowledge transfer between European Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) and countries outside Europe (Third Countries) such as Canada.

These fellowships enable experienced European researchers (PhD or with 4 years of full-time research experience) who are national or long term residents of a MS or AC to be trained and to acquire new knowledge in a Third Country (TC) research partner organization (e.g. U of T) during an Outgoing Phase for a total duration of 12-24 months. Fellows must return to the European Host Organization for a mandatory 12 month period following their Outgoing Phase.

Submission Process

By the internal deadline, the applicant's proposed UofT Supervisor must upload & submit the following documents through the University's My Research (MR) System:

  1. Applicant's application
  2. Editable draft letter of commitment

Internal Deadline: Thurs. September 5, 2024

Sponsor Deadline: Wed. September 11, 2024

For further details on this funding opportunity, please click here

Materials Research Society (MRS) Impact Award

The MRS Impact Award honors outstanding individuals who have displayed excellence in areas of science communication, education, advancing diversity, mentoring, or community engagement, which reflect the Society’s pursuit to advance materials science and technology to improve the quality of life.

Eligibility for the MRS Impact Award is open to scientists and engineers in all areas of materials science worldwide. Nominees need not be members of the Materials Research Society. Current members of the MRS Impact Award Subcommittee, MRS Board members, the Awards Chair, and previous recipients of this award are not eligible. The selection of the MRS Impact Award recipient must be approved by the MRS Board, based upon a recommendation from the Awards Committee.

Award Amount: $5000 USD

Nomination Package:

  • Nominee and Nominator Information (fillable form)
  • Proposed Citation (60 words max.)
  • Nominator Statement (2 pages)
  • Curriculum Vitae (3 pages max.)
  • 2 Reference Letters

More details: https://www.mrs.org/careers-advancement/awards/spring-awards/mrs-impact-award/nomination-information

Nomination Deadline: August 1, 2024

Please contact Sam D'Alfonso if interested in pursuing this nomination. 

2024 Sony Research Award Program

As part of one of the world's most innovative and recognizable brands, we are committed to support university research and innovation in the U.S., Canada, India, and select European countries, while also fostering partnerships with university faculty and researchers. The Sony Research Award Program provides funding for cutting-edge academic research and helps build a collaborative relationship between faculty and Sony researchers. With awards up to $150,000 USD* per year for each accepted proposal, both the Faculty Innovation Award and Focused Research Award create new opportunities for university faculties and research institutions to engage in pioneering research that could drive new technologies, industries and the future.


The Sony Faculty Innovation Award provides up to $150K USD in funds to conduct pioneering research in the broad areas of Information TechnologyDevices and Materials, and Biomedical and Life Science, with subcategories listed at the link below. Please select the single most relevant keyword to your submission


The award provides up to $150K USD in funds, please select the Focused Research Theme for which your submission is written.


Internal Deadline for institutional authorization (via MRA): Sept 9, 2024

Final Submissions to Sony must be completed by 11:59 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time; UTC-7) on September 16, 2024

For detailed program and application information, please visit: https://research.utoronto.ca/funding-opportunities/db/2024-sony-research-award-program-invitation

Please note: By the internal deadline, the applicant must upload and submit the application through the university's My Research Application (MRA) System. The MRA approval process should be started well in advance of the internal deadline to ensure a successful submission since it can take several business days to complete the approval process.

Education Awards

Learning Education Advancement Fund (LEAF)

The Learning & Education Advancement Fund (LEAF) program aims to support the President’s Three Priorities:

Leverage our urban location(s) more fully, for the mutual benefit of University and City; Strengthen and deepen key international partnerships by means of a well-defined strategic focus; Reimagine and reinvent undergraduate education.


A two-tiered system of funding, LEAF provides funding opportunities for teaching and learning projects that explore, implement and scale up promising practices at different stages of their development and implementation. Focused on projects connected to the academic curriculum, LEAF creates a pathway for projects from their initial inception to their full potential. 

Seed grants are intended to encourage experimentation at the local level, either within a course or a set of courses, as a means of fostering small-scale enhancements or pilots with the potential for future scalability. These projects should have the potential for either scalability within their home unit or transferability into other undergraduate learning contexts. Grants in this category range from $5,000 to $10,000 per year for up to 3 years.

Impact grants are designed to support large-scale projects with the potential to significantly enhance core elements of undergraduate education within or across academic units and divisions at the University. This can range from scaling high-impact teaching practices that have already experienced successful experimentation in their local contexts, to the development of new pedagogical or curricular approaches and practices. Grants in this category range from $10,000 to $100,000 per year for up to 3 years.

The next funding cycle is expected in Summer 2024 


  1. Workshop: Building an Effective LEAF Application: Assessment Strategies for a Meaningful Project 
    This workshop explores how you measure the effectiveness of a LEAF project. In this session, we examined building a meaningful and integrated assessment strategy from thinking about what sort of assessment tools work for your project to when and how you are assessing your project.

    Participants in this session gained an introductory overview of different assessment tools and techniques and clear next steps for how to build an assessment strategy in the context of a teaching grant.
    Access the Recording

  2. Workshop: Building an Effective LEAF Application: From Idea to Submission 
    This workshop is designed for instructors and staff interested in applying for the LEAF program. Our workshop explored everything from designing a research question for the Expression of Interest to the basics of building an effective, integrated assessment strategy.

    Participants gained insights into strategies and suggestions for successful applications, collaborating with peers on proposals and learned from a panel of former LEAF recipients.
    Access the Recording

  3. Workshop: Strategies for Writing an Effective Teaching & Learning Grant
    In support of instructors and staff interested in the LEAF program as well as the Graduate Education Innovation Fund, the Instructional Technology and Innovation Fund (ITIF) and other teaching and learning funding opportunities, this workshop was jointly hosted by our office, the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation and Academic & Collaborative Technologies.
    Access the Recording

Additional Information

Additional information can be found here.