Schedule and Attendance

In what time zone are online sessions offered? Can you accommodate learners in different time zones?

The program schedule is set according to Eastern Standard Time (EST), except for second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November the program schedule is set to Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). We are unable to accommodate individualized times for learners in different time zones.  Learners are expected to participate in all online sessions and activities and will have to complete mandatory assessments as listed in the program schedule.

Are there specific days and times I am required to attend online sessions? If so, what are they?

Yes, there are specific days and times learners are required to attend online sessions. These sessions are scheduled on a variety of days, including weekends. For example, learners are expected to complete mandatory assessments every weekend (Saturday and/or Sunday) for the duration of the program, which involve approximately 2-hours between 9AM – 2PM EST, except for second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November 9AM – 2PM (EDT).  The times for required sessions vary and are listed in the program schedule.

What time do the synchronous lectures, activities and assessments start and end?

The global program schedule provides detailed start and end times for synchronous sessions. Learner specific start and end times for labs and role plays will be provided at least 1 week in advance of these assessments.

How do I know when synchronous lectures, activities and assessments will be scheduled?

A master schedule with detailed start and end times for synchronous sessions will be shared with learners 5 days before the start of the program. Learner specific start and end times for labs and role plays will be provided at least 1 week in advance of these assessments

Are the synchronous lectures livestreamed in real-time or will I be watching pre-recorded videos? 

Synchronous lectures are both livestreamed and pre-recorded. 

How will I know if the session is livestreamed in real-time or pre-recorded?

Livestreamed lecture dates/times will be clearly marked on the master schedule.  These lectures will be recorded to allow for viewing afterward.

What is the typical length of a lecture?

Lectures range from 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Are online sessions recorded, so that I can watch them again or at a later date?

Yes, lectures are recorded, and you can view them as many times as you like for the duration of the program.

What happens if I have a schedule conflict and cannot attend a required online session or assessment or submit a course deliverable by the due date?

The IPG program does not provide schedule accommodations for work conflicts, PEBC exams or other prep courses. However, if there are unforeseen circumstances which are beyond the learner’s control and that have negatively affected the learner’s ability to participate or submit deliverables by the due date, a petition can be submitted. Reasons which are considered valid for submitting a petition include medical or personal (i.e. family issues, personal relationship issues, illness of a family member, death in the family or someone close to you, religious observances).

If I cannot attend a session, can I reschedule?

Assessment sessions are mandatory and cannot be rescheduled. We recommend that applicants check the dates and times, prior to applying to the program to ensure they are able to commit.

What is the process for submitting a petition for a deadline extension or missed assessment?

Petitions for missed mid-term examinations, assignments or other course requirements must be submitted within seven calendar days of the missed examination, assignment, or course requirement. For examinations missed during the regularly scheduled examination periods, petitions must be submitted by the end of the examination period. Petition guidelines, policies and forms are available for enrolled learners in the Administration shell on the learning management system. Please note that petitioning for a make-up assessment does not guarantee that a petition will be granted. Those who are given permission to write make-up examinations, attend make-up labs, or complete missed assignments, etc., must pay an administration fee of $70 +HST per make-up. When learners receive confirmation that a makeup has been allowed, they will also receive fee payment instructions. Failure to pay this fee will result in the loss of privilege to write/attend the make-up. Scheduling for a make-up will be at the discretion of the Academic Directors and Course Coordinator(s).

PEBC Exams

Is the IPG program a PEBC preparation course? Does it prepare me for MCQ and OCSE exams?

The IPG program is not a PEBC preparation course and does not specifically teach for the MCQ and OSCE exams.  The IPG program is an academic bridging program that prepares internationally educated pharmacists to meet Canadian entry-to-practice requirements and develop skills to care for patients as the profession evolves.  While a variety of current and emerging topics in pharmacotherapy, pharmacy practice, and the Canadian healthcare system is covered, the goal of the program is to develop learners’ skills and knowledge of critical language, workplace, and patient care skills to succeed as licensed pharmacists in Canada. The condensed 23-week program covers a total of 30 pharmacotherapy topics, selected from the most encountered disease states by pharmacists. Learners who complete the program will have the self-directed tools and skills to stay current with pharmacotherapy topics and learn new knowledge in preparation for their licensing exams.

Should I attempt the PEBC examinations while I am enrolled in the IPG program?

We strongly recommend that learners wait until after completing both CPS 1 and CPS 2 before attempting PEBC exams.  However, if a learner decides to attempt the PEBC examinations while enrolled in the program, it is their responsibility to ensure that they do not schedule PEBC MCQ exams on days that conflict with IPG activities, assessments and exams. 

I am scheduled to take the PEBC exam while in the IPG program, and some of the PEBC dates conflict with IPG exams and other assessments.  Can I complete a make-up for any IPG exams or assessments that I might miss because of conflicts with the PEBC exam schedule?

There will be no makeup exams or assessments offered to learners to accommodate absences due to participation in PEBC examinations. Additionally, no accommodations will be made to allow learners to leave IPG activities early, arrive late, change time slots, or reschedule in order to study for PEBC exams. 

Can I take the jurisprudence exam while I’m enrolled in the IPG program?

No, learners must have graduated from the IPG program prior to registering for the jurisprudence exam. Please refer to the Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP) guidelines for registering for the jurisprudence exam.

Time Commitment and Workload

How demanding is the course? What is the expected workload?

This is a challenging program with a significant workload (approximately 30‐40 hours per week for the online aspects, and full time during assessment blocks). Learners are encouraged to create circumstances that will allow them to succeed in the program.

Will I be able to have a part time job while I am enrolled in the program?

As each learner’s needs and abilities vary, it is difficult to say whether it would be possible to succeed in the IPG program while working more than 10 hours/week (which is commonly accepted as an upper limit for those enrolled in full time studies). We do encourage learners to work or volunteer in a pharmacy, if possible, as the experience is invaluable, and will complement their studies.

Enrolment, Deadlines and Promotions

What are the withdrawal deadlines for the program?

Learners can withdrawal from the program by the end of first week for a full refund. Withdrawal by end of second week is refunded 75% of tuition. Learners withdrawing by the end of the third week receive a 50% refund.

What happens if I fail a course?

Learners who fail any course will not be eligible to move forward to the current offering of CPS 2 or be promoted from the program. The learner will meet individually with the Academic Directors to discuss their performance and results. A supplemental examination will be required which will be administered up to 60 days after the end of the CPS session. The supplemental exam will account for 100% of the final grade for the course and a learner must achieve at least 60% in order to pass the supplemental exam. If successful, learners will be eligible to join the subsequent offering of CPS 2 or will be promoted from the program. If unsuccessful, the learner will have to retake the failed course.  The learner should contact admissions office to register for the next offering of the course they have failed and make a payment for that individual course.

Can I defer enrollment in CPS 2 to the next offering?

Learners can defer enrollment in CPS 2 to the next offering, however learners are strongly encouraged to complete the program within 2 years as course content will change from year to year.

How soon will my enrollment in the program and my results be communicated to Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP)?

An enrollment list is sent to OCP by the end of the third week of class and a promotion list is sent to OCP 1 month after the end of the program. Once the enrollment and promotion lists are communicated to OCP, an announcement is sent to the learners. Please allow 14 business days for OCP to update your record. If your information is not updated, please contact

Financial Assistance

Am I eligible for financial assistance? How do I apply for OBPAP?

Financial assistance may be available to eligible students through the Ontario Bridging Participant Assistance Program (OBPAP) provided by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU).  Ministry funding decisions are made annually in March/April.   Once funding has been determined, eligible students enrolled in the program will be contacted inviting them to apply. Please refer to the University of Toronto Financial Aid webpage for information on additional funding resources that may be available to you.

I’m applying for a bank loan, and I need a letter of enrollment to share with the bank. How do I get one?

Once the full tuition payment is received, a receipt and Confirmation of Registration and Acceptance Letter will be emailed to you. You may use this letter to share with the bank.