Lab Spring Cleaning
Disposing old samples | Disposing old samples from students/PDFs that have moved on → Consult PI for information of the contents and follow bucket list for proper disposal |
Tidying cold rooms | Perform a scan to ensure that the items stored there are not starting to get mouldy. All stored items should be marked with the laboratory’s name and stored in plastic containers. |
Defrosting freezers | Please contact Nirmal (x8-2876) to book the backup -80°C for your defrosting needs. We ask that you please complete the process within 3 days. |
Disposing old equipment | To dispose old equipment that is not functional and/or no longer useful → remove from benches/shelves to help us stay in compliance. Decontaminate and then place the safe to remove tag (, keep it in your lab for pick up. If the equipment has a capital asset over $5,000, then please also add this form: ( and notify Nirmal Goonewardena to arrange for pick up, t. 437-331-9278, |
With the warmer weather finally here please remember summer lab safety rules:
- No open-toed shoes or sandals are permitted in the lab (ever).
- One-glove policy is always in effect: When moving between laboratories always ensure that you have one hand that is bare when touching the door handle.
- Eye wash stations: Every eye wash station is required to have documentation detailing the dates on which the eye wash was flushed (minimum monthly, but weekly is recommended). Please find a customizable template to download and place near each station. These records need to be kept as proof of compliance.
(Example of calendar template)