This page was last updated September 1, 2022
Responding to COVID-19 at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy’s academic, research and operations plans prioritize the health and well-being of our faculty, staff, students and the University of Toronto communities we serve. Operations and activities at our Faculty are informed by public health guidelines and the guidelines and recommendations of the University of Toronto. Please check this web page to stay informed about policies and procedures. You can also visit our web page for Coronavirus past updates and resources.
To ensure all reopening decisions are informed by the most up-to-date and relevant public health and U of T information, the Faculty has convened a COVID-19 OPERATIONS RECOVERY AND RESUMPTION COMMITTEE (CORReCt). If you have questions for this committee, please contact Aldo DiMarcantonio, Chief Administrative Officer.
As has been the case over the course of the pandemic, the University’s approach has been informed by changing regulations, legislation, and direction from public health authorities.
Some public health requirements may be reinstated on short notice should public health conditions or guidance change.
Vaccination Requirements
Recently, U of T reinstated the vaccination requirement for students and employees living in University residences. Students living in residences this fall will be required to have a primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine and at least one booster dose before moving in. More information on this measure is available in the Vaccines FAQs on our UTogether website.
In order to minimize disruption, we encourage all members of our community to provide up-to-date information on their vaccine status via UCheck. Maintaining updated information on the vaccination status of our community will help the University inform future health and safety planning.
Mask Requirements
The use of a medical mask in high-density indoor spaces when physical distancing is not possible is strongly encouraged during the period when cases are rising in Ontario. The University is a mask-friendly environment, and we ask everyone to respect each other’s decisions, comfort levels, and health needs. The University will continue to monitor public health conditions and adjust as needed.
FAQs for returning to work and study at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
As we transition back to campus, the University continues to require vaccinations and masking in indoor spaces.
Monitoring and Enforcement
It is expected that everyone will be familiar with the LDFP Guidelines for Research Restart and Recovery, University of Toronto COVID-19 Guideline for Reopening Research Spaces prepared by the Environmental Health and Safety division, the University of Toronto Approach for Research Recovery and Adaptation, and the overarching University of Toronto Principles for Research Recovery & Adaptation.
Monitoring will be carried out by:
A) Each Principal Investigator for their own laboratory staff and spaces
Principal investigators who will be approved to carry out on-campus research will have provided their plan as a component of their Application for on-campus Research Restart and Recovery (RRR) at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. These plans will have ensured that no more than the acceptable maximum number of people will be on site at any one time. These plans will also have confirmed that each PI will take responsibility for ensuring that they and their staff and trainees have reviewed all university policies and procedures related to COVID-19 onsite work.
B) Central Office(s), including EHS, and
C) Processes to be developed by the CORReCt committee
- Divisional and institutional oversight of adherence to the guidelines will be in place and deficiencies may lead to suspension of permits to perform in person activities.
- Overcrowded labs and other safety issues can be reported to the Research Office or the Manager of Administrative Operations