The Council of Health Science (CHS) COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Research Springboard Funding aims to fund new or emerging research that has the potential to achieve national and international attention in areas related to COVID-19 vaccination delivery and uptake, including the role of health care providers in supporting and leading population health outcomes regarding vaccinations, particularly research carried out across the University of Toronto partner clinic initiatives.

Knowledge Mobilization Activities:

Daniel Buchman – Understanding attitudes and beliefs toward the COVID-19 vaccines among youth with early psychosis


  • Artna, E.*, Abi-Jaoudé, A., Sockalingam, S., Perry, C., Johnson, A., Wun, C.*, Kozloff, N., Henderson, J., Levinson, A., Buchman, D.Z. (2024). Understanding attitudes and beliefs regarding COVID-19 vaccines among transitional-aged youth with mental health concerns: A youth-led qualitative study. BMJ Open, 14, e080707.


  • Youth friendly pdf resource comprising an infographic, a myth/fact quiz, and links to reputable websites: in development


  • Abi-Jaoudé, A. Artna, E.*, Perry, C., Narajos A., Johnson, A., Wun, C.*, Sockalingam, S., Buchman, D.Z. (2024, May). Understanding attitudes and beliefs toward the COVID-19 vaccines among transition-aged youth with mental illness. Poster presentation at the Canadian Bioethics Society-International Conference on Clinical Ethics Consultation Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • Abi-Jaoudé, A. Artna, E.*, Perry, C., Narajos A., Johnson, A., Wun, C.*, Sockalingam, S., Buchman, D.Z. (2023, October). Understanding attitudes and beliefs toward the COVID-19 vaccines among transition-aged youth with mental illness. Poster presentation at the McMaster University Global Health, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
  • Abi-Jaoudé, A. Artna, E.*, Perry, C., Narajos A., Johnson, A., Wun, C.*, Sockalingam, S., Buchman, D.Z. (2023, May). Understanding attitudes and beliefs toward the COVID-19 vaccines among transition-aged youth with mental illness. Poster presentation at the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • Buchman, D.Z., and Narajos, A. (2023, March). Understanding Attitudes and Beliefs toward the COVID-19 Vaccines among Transition-Aged Youth with Mental Health Challenges. Sick Kids Bioethics Grand Rounds, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Buchman, D.Z., and Perry, C. (2023, February). Understanding Attitudes and Beliefs toward the COVID-19 Vaccines among Transition-Aged Youth with Mental Health Challenges. Invited seminar for the Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Neil Seeman - Discovering Pro-Vaccine Taboo Motivators, a Clue to Effective Public Health Messaging


  • Seeman, N., Luscombe, A., and Jamie Duncan. “Practice Paper: Using Reddit Data to Refine Vaccine Messaging for a Plan-Do-Study-Act Communications Approach.” Healthcare Quarterly 26(4): 48-52. doi:10.12927/hcq.2024.27253


  • Distribution of findings from our paper in the e-letter, sent to healthcare decision-makers across Canada - Preliminary social media distribution of the findings via Longwoods Publishing social media