The Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences offers a wide-range of specialty courses designed to inform the research of graduate students. Please see the Course Schedule for current offerings.

For additional course information, contact the Graduate Administrative Coordinator.

PHM1109H Recent Developments in Dosage Form Design (Offered alternate years)

S. Wu and P. Lee
The following are the most important topics to be covered: kinetics of drug release and physical parameters that affect them; constructional changes in well-established dosage forms; solid dispersion systems; osmotic devices; membrane-controlled drug delivery, as for example in transdermal administration; nanoparticles; microcapsules; liposomes; insoluble plastic matrices; soluble and bioerodable polymers; implants; aerosols; drug targeting using monoclonal antibodies; self-regulating drug delivery; prodrugs. Each dosage form will be placed in its scientific, practical, and historical perspective; the governing release mechanisms and its advantages and limitations will be discussed.

PHM1115H Special Topics in Radiopharmaceuticals II (Offered alternate years)

R. Reilly
The purpose of this course is to enable the student to gain an appreciation of radiopharmaceutical design by examining two areas of radiopharmaceutical research:
i) molecular imaging of cancer, and ii) radioimmunotherapy.  This course will appeal to pharmaceutical sciences graduate students interested in radiopharmaceutical research but also imaging as a tool for cancer therapeutics as well as molecularly-targeted therapies for malignancies.

PHM1130H Biomolecular Interactions and Thermodynamics I

T. Chalikian and R. Macgregor
Students will be presented with the basic structures, theories, and methods of investigation of proteins, nucleic acids, and biological membranes. This course is intended for students working in the field of biomolecular sciences.

PHM1133H Special Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences

This course is designed to provide for the study of special topics in the broad area of pharmaceutical sciences, including all the fields encompassed within our Graduate Department.

Chemical Basis of Drug Metabolism (Section 0301)
J. Uetrecht
The goals of the course are such that the students will be able to look at the structure of a drug or other xenobiotic and be able to predict possible metabolic pathways that the drug could undergo and the mechanisms involved. They would also be able to make educated guesses as to which pathways would be major and which would be minor and the probable pharmacological and toxicological implications of the metabolites.

Advanced Pharmacokinetics I (Section 0701)
S. Pang and P. Lee
This course examines basic pharmacokinetic principles which describe the processes of absorption, distribution, and elimination of drugs. Topics include: LaPlace transforms, linear mammillary models, compartmental analysis, model-independent methods, single and multiple dosing, protein binding, drug clearance, first-pass effects, effect of route of administration physiological modeling, and metabolite kinetics. An introduction to data processing by computers is also included.

PHM1135H Nanomedicines in Oncology

C. Allen
This course covers a range of topics that pertain to the development and application of nanomedicines in oncology. Students will gain an understanding of the biological barriers to drug delivery in oncology as well as the tremendous heterogeneity in cancer and the challenge this presents for treatment. The concepts of passive and active targeting of nanomedicines will be covered with critical assessment of the enhanced permeability and retention effect. A detailed overview of the most advanced nanotechnology-platforms for drug delivery (i.e. liposomes, block copolymer micelles and polymer-drug conjugates) will be provided with additional discussion of new emerging platforms. The integration of imaging in drug development and development of theranostics and therapeutic-diagnostic pairs will also be discussed. Special emphasis on critical evaluation of scientific literature and pre-clinical/clinical studies will be made throughout the course.

PHM1136H Introduction to Biostatistics

P. Grootendorst

The goal of this course is to provide students with the tools to conduct quantitative analyses of data derived from a two group RCT.  By the end of the course, students should be able to use these tools to:

•       Choose the right research question
•       Use appropriate data and statistical methods to address the question
•       Interpret results

We will model the impact of different randomly assigned treatments on outcomes using the linear regression model, and consider the properties of the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator of the parameters of the linear regression model.  As we will see, the properties of the OLS estimator depend on the nature of the unobserved random component of the model (the “error term”).  We will we will consider the implications for our estimator of clustering and heteroskedasticity in the error term, and correlation of the error term with treatment choice.

The course will be lecture-based with ample opportunity for discussion.  This is a 2-hour course, once per week.  Additional tutorials will be scheduled at a convenient time to learn how to use Stata, which is the statistical software package that I use.

I am developing a follow-on course to be taught in the winter term that covers the multiple linear regression model, a maximum likelihood models for binary outcomes and for time to event data.  This follow-on course will use basic linear algebra.

PHM1137H Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in the Health Science

H. Boon
This course will introduce students to interpretive and critical qualitative research methods in the health sciences.  The course is divided into three blocks: 1) Qualitative Research in Theory and Practice; 2) Data Collection and 3) Data Analysis.  Students are expected to complete the readings (methods text and exemplar study) each week, and to come to class ready to participate in discussions.  Each 3-hour class will use examples from the qualitative health sciences literature and from the instructor’s own research to help connect information from methods texts into actual, published empirical articles.  It will also combine didactic sessions with hands-on activities and small- and large-group discussions.  Students may use this course to start writing their thesis proposals.

PHM1138H Pharmaceutical Data Acquisition & Analysis

D. Dubins
The goal of this course is to introduce students to theoretical and applied concepts in electronic circuitry, for the purpose of collecting and analyzing experimental data in pharmaceutics and other contexts. The course is designed as approximately half small-group didactic teaching, and half laboratory exercises to experiment with and illustrate concepts. The course discusses introductory circuit design, with an emphasis on how common components work (e.g. resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, and a variety of sensors) in scientific and pharmaceutical manufacturing instrumentation.

Practical and mathematical aspects of circuit design are discussed (e.g. Ohm’s Law, voltage dividers, analog vs. digital signals). There is a heavy emphasis on programming in C++, taught from an introductory level, which will complement learning activities. Assessments will include quizzes, problem sets, a design project, a participation component, and a final exam.

With the recent advent of low-cost, consumer-level microprocessors (e.g. ATtiny, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266), affordable and accessible processing power has empowered researchers with resources to take experimental designs to new heights. Such microprocessors are relatively simple compared to the complexity of today’s desktop computer; however, are more than powerful enough and fast enough to control sophisticated equipment such as scientific instrumentation and 3D printing. Previously, DACs (Digital-to-Analog Converters) were thousands of dollars, requiring high programming aptitude to bridge the gap between computer and instrument. Serial communication ports were reliable only at slower speeds (e.g. 1200 bps). Serial communication was finicky, and required access to equipment subroutines not always readily available. However, the climate has now changed for experimental design. Libraries are readily available, interfaces are more intuitive, and a large open source community exists to support scientists and hobbyists alike. Knowledge of programming and circuitry will provide a solid foundaPtion not only in experimental design and analysis for this field, but in many other areas as well.

The modern era of electronics has caused a paradigm shift. Due to economies of scale, electronic components have become very inexpensive. The electronics hobbyist niche has driven the development of modular electronic components marketed for general purposes, geared towards on open-source platforms (e.g. opto-isolator power relay circuits, and H-bridge motor controllers). Circuits that would previously need to be thoughtfully considered and designed are now available and packaged as low-cost, ready-to-use modules. This course will examine some of these modules and their usefulness in circuit design.

PHM1139H Diagnosing Corruption in the Health Sector

J. Kohler
Background: Corruption understood as, “the misuse of entrusted power for private gain”, is considered to be one of the biggest barriers for development and growth and a threat to recovery efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Corruption is without borders; it can be found in any country, in different forms, levels, and types of organizations and institutions. Corruption impedes economic growth, political stability and government legitimacy, jeopardizes the allocation of resources to sectors crucial for development, and encourages other types of illegal activities. Each year, an estimated US$ 5.3 trillion is spent worldwide on providing health services; yet as much as 6% or US$300 billion is lost to corruption and errors. Corruption negatively impacts public health budgets, the price of health services and medicines, the quality of care and medical products, and threatens a country’s ability to provide universal health coverage by increasing the price of health care. Corruption, in short, undermines public trust in their governments and the services they provide and also undermines the morale of health professionals as well as for patients to make use of health services.

 Course Overview: This graduate course will introduce interested and curious students to the core concepts associated with corruption generally and corruption and the health sector specifically, with a particular focus on the pharmaceutical sector. We will start the seminar with a broad discussion about corruption, what it is, how to define it and examine how it is measured. We will then examine how international organizations are dealing with corruption in their development projects and currently during the COVID-19 pandemic. The course will then move on to specific modules dealing with core topics related to corruption and the health sector. The course will consist of lectures, class discussions and group work through case studies. Research papers and presentations will provide students with the opportunity to probe an issue of interest.

PHM1140H Principles of Synthetic Biology

K. Pardee
In this course, we will explore the foundations of synthetic biology and its application to the pharma­ceu­tical sciences and beyond. Synthetic biology is an emerging discipline that lies at the interface between biology and engineering.  Work in the field involves the design and construction of new biological components such as genetic circuits and metabolic pathways, and in doing so is creating new ways to produce small molecule drugs, novel protein/RNA-based therapeutics and diagnostics.

The course is designed to introduce students without a background in the field to the theoretical and applied concepts of synthetic bio­logy so that they can incorporate aspects into their own re­search and, more broadly, be aware of the poten­tial of this emerging discipline.  The course is organized to include a mixture of didactic teaching (17 hours) and practical classes (13 hours). Lectures will include an overview of synthetic biology, the technologies driving the field, practical theory on the design and assembly of genetically encoded tools, and the application of these technologies for human health.

PHM1141H Introduction to Education Theory, Practice and Scholarship

Z. Austin
This course will introduce future educators to foundational aspects of teaching, learning, assessment, rooted in the discipline of social psychology, to help support effective pedagogy in diverse settings.  The goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge, skills, and motivation to identify learning needs of audiences, design curriculum, use effective teaching methods, and undertake program evaluation for the purpose of quality improvement, all in a scholarly, evidence-informed manner.

PHM1142H Methods for Patient-Focused and Pharmacy Practice Research

L. Dupuis
This course will focus on the methods for the conduct of patient-focused and pharmacy practice research.  This research commonly uses quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods approaches to generate new knowledge in areas such as pharmacy practice, clinical pharmacology, the effectiveness or implementation of interventions that improve health outcomes,  patterns in medication use, health care team function, and patient or other stakeholder perspectives.  Topics that will be covered include human research ethics, regulatory considerations, grant writing, project management, research design, and data collection and management approaches. Further, students will develop the concept for a research project as a component of this course. For MScPhm students this project can be the major research project required by the program.

PHM1143H Advanced Pharmacy Practice Leadership

N. Crown
Students in the MScPhm program will enter the program with diverse backgrounds and practice experiences. This course will prepare students with the skills to advance their current practice and to provide patient care in a defined specialty area. Emphasis will be placed on building skills for advanced pharmacy practice including applying the pharmaceutical care process for the identification and resolution of DTPs, emphasizing the pharmacist role in ongoing follow-up of drug therapy, patient and health assessment, evidence informed clinical decision making, and navigating areas of uncertainty. Students will use their unique backgrounds and areas of specialty as vehicle to approach for course discussions focused on health systems, ethics, and leadership.

PHM1144H Introduction to Mixed Methods for Health Services and Policy Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences

S. Guilcher
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of mixed methods research to graduate students (MSc, MScPhm, PhD) who are already familiar with quantitative and qualitative research.  The course will introduce students to definitions of mixed methods research, the history and foundation, different types of designs and how to conduct mixed methods research based on design type.

PHM1145H Introduction to Scoping Reviews in Health Sciences

S. Guilcher
This graduate course is designed for students with an interest in conducting scoping reviews within health sciences. Students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct rigorous scoping reviews. The course is divided into the following main sections: 1) Overview of the principles and purposes of scoping reviews; 2) Formulating research questions; 3) Databases and search strategies; 4) Charting and synthesis of findings; 5) Knowledge dissemination and publishing; and 6) Project management. Students are expected to complete readings and activities each week and actively participate in discussions.  Each class will use examples from the scoping review literature, as well as examples from the instructors and peer learner experiences. The course will involve didactic sessions and activities, as well as small and large group seminar discussions.

PHM1146H Basics of Linear Regression Modeling 

P. Grootendorst

The goal of this course is to understand the basics of linear regression models (LRMs) and how they can be used to analyze both experimental and non-experimental ("observational") data and conduct hypothesis tests on the parameters of the LRM. The focus is on using LRMs to estimate the effects of some treatment, intervention, policy or other exposure on an outcome variable of interest and conduct hypothesis tests on these treatment effects.
The course will consist of a 2-hour lecture on Thursdays and a 1-hour tutorial on Fridays.

PHM1147H Introduction to Nucleic Acid Medicines 

B. Li

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the rapidly evolving field of nucleic acid-based therapies. The course will delve into the fundamental principles of nucleic acid biology and how these principles are harnessed in the design of innovative therapeutic strategies. We will begin with an exploration of the structure and function of nucleic acids, focusing on their role in cellular processes and the molecular mechanisms underlying gene expression. This foundational knowledge will set the stage for a detailed examination of various types of nucleic acid medicines, including antisense oligonucleotides, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), and messenger RNAs (mRNAs). A significant portion of the course will be dedicated to mRNA therapies and vaccines, which have gained considerable attention due to their role in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students will learn about the design principles of mRNA vaccines, their mechanism of action, and the challenges and opportunities associated with their development and deployment. In addition to lectures, the course will incorporate case studies, group discussions, and critical analysis of recent scientific literature, fostering a deeper understanding of the real-world applications and implications of nucleic acid medicines. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to evaluate the potential of nucleic acid medicines in treating a variety of diseases and contribute to this exciting field of pharmaceutical sciences.

PHM1148H Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and its Applications in Modeling

E. Chung, C. Yeung
Pharmacokinetics (PK) describes “what the body does to the drug” and links the drug’s dose to its exposure. Understanding the PK properties of a drug is important along the entire life cycle of the drug, from early drug development to its real-world applications in precision medicine. This course begins with a basic understanding to the core principles and concepts of PK. Next, the course will introduce two PK modelling approaches, population PK (PopPK) and physiologically based PK (PBPK) models, as key applications of PK. Using the newly attained PK knowledge, students will learn to create PopPK and PBPK models with PhoenixTM NLME and PK-Sim, respectively. Students will learn about the applications of these models, including identifying a starting dose, comparing formulations, scaling between species (e.g., mice to humans), evaluating associations between clinical factors and PK parameters, and designing experiments, to name a few. The course concludes with an invited panel of PK professionals to allow students the opportunity to ask questions and gain insight into potential careers. Overall, the course offers students a rarity of skills in PK that can be applied to multiple fields and career paths in pharmaceutical sciences.

PHM1149H Introduction to Fundamentals of Drug Discovery (formerly PHM2102H)

A. Aman
This course is intended for graduate students seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of the drug discovery process. The course will present an in-depth overview, starting with target selection, where students will learn how to identify and validate potential biological targets for therapeutic intervention. Following this, the course will cover screening methods at the target level, where students will explore various techniques used to identify active compounds known as hits. They will learn about different types of libraries of compounds including virtual libraries. Students will then delve into the process of hit identification, learning how to analyze and interpret screening data to select promising hits for further development. The course will also address the optimization process, guiding students through the steps required to refine hits into lead compounds with improved potency, selectivity, and drug-like properties. This includes an examination of structure-activity relationships (SAR) and the application of medicinal chemistry strategies. A significant component of the course will cover ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion) studies. Students will gain insights into how these pharmacokinetic properties impact the drug discovery process, including the evaluation of a compound’s bioavailability, distribution in the body, metabolic stability, and permeability. Understanding ADME is crucial for predicting the in vivo behavior of drug candidates and for optimizing their pharmacokinetic profiles.

Additionally, the course will cover the transition from lead optimization to the identification of preclinical candidates. Students will study the criteria for selecting a candidate suitable for preclinical development, including pharmacokinetics, toxicity, and scalability of synthesis. The preclinical candidate phase involves rigorous testing in vitro and in vivo to ensure the compound’s safety and efficacy before moving into clinical trials. The course will also discuss reasons for preclinical and clinical failure of drug candidates.

By the end of the course, students will have a robust understanding of the entire drug discovery process, from initial target selection to the identification of a viable preclinical candidate. They will gain insights into the challenges and strategies involved in each stage, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for careers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Successful completion of the course will enable students to comprehend the modern approaches and technological advancements that drive drug discovery today.

PHM2100H Module: Sciences in New Drugs and Biologics

L. Kotra
This course module introduces students to the drug discovery and development sciences behind the latest drugs and biologics approved by Health Canada and/or US FDA. First two hours will be dedicated to introducing drug discovery and development sciences, interplay between regulatory path-pharmaceutical sciences and high-level discussions about technologies and tools. Students will be given assignments for a class presentation involving review, literature surveys and a 20-minute presentation per student, followed by 5-minute Q/A. Students are expected to get exposed to drug discovery/development integrated thought process, and various facets of new drugs and biologics. The overall module is designed to provide the overall understanding of many dimensions of drug/biologics development efficiently with a plug-in for the business of new medicines.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2101H Module: Precision In Vitro Diagnostics

S. Kelley
This course will cover recent advances in diagnostic medicine that are enabling analysis of clinical specimens with increased sensitivity and speed.  Topics covered in this course will include infectious disease diagnostics – including those use to manage the COVID-19 pandemic – as well as the emerging area of liquid biopsy.  The basics of diagnostic development will be covered along with information regarding regulatory and commercialization channels.  The emphasis of the course will be on new technology platforms that are emerging to enhance global health.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2102H Module: Introduction to Fundamentals of Drug Discovery Process

A. Aman
This course is intended for graduate students. The course will present an overview of the drug discovery process. Starting with target selection then screening at the target, identification of hits, optimization to lead and preclinical candidate. After successful completion of this course students will have a better understanding of modern drug discovery process in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2103H Module: Addictive Medications – Issues and Insights

B. Sproule
A significant risk of some medications is the development of addiction. Prescription opioids were key contributors to the origins of the opioid crisis. Benzodiazepines, stimulants and other pharmacological classes of medication also carry this risk. The challenge is to balance the need to have these medications available for therapeutic use while minimizing the risk of addiction. This course explores the complex issues related to addictive medications from many perspectives including the pharmacological features of medications that promote this risk, pathways to addiction including the risk of therapeutic exposures, the contribution of stigma, prevention and treatment strategies and research methodologies used in this field.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2104H Module: Advances in Sensory Neuroscience

R. Bonin
This course will cover advances in neuroscience approaches that have shaped our understanding of the nervous system, using the study of pain as a focal point for application examples and discussion. Topics covered in this course will include an overview of the somatosensory system, behavioural approaches, electrophysiology, optogenetics, and fMRI. The emphasis of the course will be on how advances in these approaches enable new discovery, and how these approaches have been used in the development of new pain treatments.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2105H Module: Program Design and Evaluation in Pharmacy

Z. Austin
This course will introduce students to principles of program design and evaluation with emphasis on educational programs in pharmacy and pharmacy practice.  The goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to independently lead program design and evaluation projects, emphasizing practice change in the community.  The course will involve a combination of different teaching, learning, and assessment techniques to support development of skills. This course will introduce students to different forms of program design and evaluation including needs assessment, formative research, program logic models, and impact assessment.  Different qualitative and quantitative assessment methods will be discussed to support more robust evaluation and evidence-informed analysis of data to facilitate quality improvement in program design.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2106H Module: Spectroscopy - Absorption and Fluorescence

R. Macgregor, H. Heerklotz
This course will cover the interaction of light with biological molecules and the use of light to analyze and quantitate molecules and molecular systems. Particular emphasis will be given to absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in the ultra-violet and visible spectral range to study biomolecules and molecules of interest in pharmaceutical development.  The use of fluorescence methods to obtain knowledge of molecular size and motion will be discussed as well as the application of these methods in fluorescence microscopy. The use of circular dichroism spectroscopy to study the conformation and conformational transitions of proteins, DNA, and other molecules will also be presented.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2107H Module: Organizational Theory and Human Resource Management in Pharmacy I

Z. Austin
This course will introduce students to principles of organizational and behavior theories relevant for management of health organizations with specific application to human resource management principles and practices in pharmacy (hospital, community, or industry settings).  The goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence required to more effectively lead people and teams in pharmacy practice in diverse workplaces, and to use organizational theory and human resource management principles to encourage team members to embrace practice challenges and change.  The course will involve a combination of different teaching, learning, and assessment techniques including role-playing/simulations to build skills and confidence in managing and leading individuals, teams, and organizations.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2108H Module: Organizational Theory and Human Resource Management in Pharmacy II

Z. Austin
This course will introduce students to legal and organizational issues in health care related to strategic human resource management, with specific emphasis on issues of work, conflict management, competence assessment and regulatory-legal issues.  There will be an emphasis on contract and tort law principles as they apply to management of diverse health care organizations.  A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used to provide knowledge, skills, and confidence in managing complex human resource management issues.
Prerequisite: PHM2107H
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2109H Module: Clinical Pharmacology of Addictions

B. Sproule

Pharmacotherapy options for addition have evolved and grown in recent years with varying levels of evidence available for their effectiveness, limited uptake, and often unclear roles in relation to non-pharmacological treatment options. This course explores medication options for treating the clinical presentations associated with substance use, including substance use poisoning, withdrawal management, and substance use disorders. Discussion will focus on the pharmacological rationale for medication use, the strength of evidence for their effectiveness, their place in therapy, and approaches in the context of special populations and psychiatric comorbidities. Classes will include student facilitated appraisals of key research papers. Assignments focus on synthesizing the evidence for specific medications and types of substances. A fundamental knowledge of pharmacology is required, demonstrated by successful completions of an undergraduate or other graduate pharmacology course. 
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2110H Module: The Biophysical Chemistry of Lipid Membranes

H. Heerklotz, D. Dubins

Lipid bilayers are the structure-giving matrix and primary permeation barrier of biomembranes. Specific cellular functions fulfilled by membrane proteins may be regulated by properties of the lipid matrix as well. Technically, they are, for example, used as liposomes for targeted drug delivery. The class introduces the basics of lipid bilayers, including their structure and dynamics, phase transitions, transport of molecules within and across membranes.  After 6 introductory, interactive lectures and a break, each participant shall present a scientific paper and its background to the class. This will be a joint class with the University of Freiburg, Germany, via online.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2111H Module: Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology I

S. Cadarette

This quarter course introduces foundational principles in pharmacoepidemiology and the use of healthcare administrative data to describe drug utilization and estimate real-world drug safety and effectiveness. Experience will be gained through practice exercises and assignments, class discussions, small group exercises, presentations and tests.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2112H Module: Introduction to Entrepreneurial Strategy in Life Sciences

C. Allen
This course offers students an immersive introduction to entrepreneurial strategy. It focuses on a practical and methodical way of navigating the essential decisions entrepreneurs must make. The course guides students through the process of transforming their novel technologies (e.g. drug, medical device, digital health technology) into viable business ventures. Unlike traditional strategies, entrepreneurial strategy emphasizes the importance of  experimentation and data gathering on your target market.  The course focuses on four critical dimensions: your target customer, your competition, your technology, and your organizational structure. These dimensions are interconnected and essential for creating and capturing the value of a technology. Adapted with permission from the Entrepreneurial Strategy Course developed by Professor Joshua Gans and the Creative Destruction Lab at the Rotman School of Management, this course combines informative lectures with firsthand insights from founders and entrepreneurs. Additionally, students will engage in group activities, analyzing various start-ups and mapping to one or more entrepreneurial strategies. This practical approach will not only equip students with theoretical knowledge but also challenge them to apply these strategies to their current scientific projects. By the end of the course, students will be better prepared to navigate and lead in the dynamic world of start-ups.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM2113H Module: Effective Scientific Communication Strategies

N. Steenhof and C. Cummins
This course will focus on professional development. Students will be equipped with information and experiences on how to develop a CV, effectively communicate research ideas in writing, prepare scientific abstracts, write a specific aims page for a grant proposal, provide written feedback to a peer on their writing, respond to a peer reviewer, and develop their oral presentation skills. Students will also develop critical thinking skills related to current trends in science.
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.
Restricted to Pharmaceutical Sciences students only.

PHM2114H Module: Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology II 

S. Cadarette
This quarter course builds on foundational principles introduced in PHM2111 (Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology I) related to pharmacy dispensing data, prescribing data, drug utilization and time series analyses. The focus of this follow-on course is to introduce principles of causal inference and traditional study designs to estimate the real-world drug safety and effectiveness of prescription medications. Experience will be gained through practice exercises and assignments, class discussions, small group exercises, presentations and quizzes.
The course will run weekly for 2-hours over 6 or 7 weeks. Weeks 6 and 7 are student presentations and thus total number of classes will depend on class size. Quizzes and tests will be held outside class hours.
Prerequisite: PHM2111H
This course is worth 0.25 FCE.

PHM8000/8100Y MScPhm Clinical Practicum I/II

The purpose of these courses is to expand the student’s clinical experiences to further develop (CPI) and establish (CPII) their knowledge, skills, and judgment to an advanced level in a defined area of clinical pharmacy practice. The practicums provide experiences in which students integrate practice principles and advanced knowledge of pharmacotherapeutics in a defined area to provide care to individual patients and their families. These practice experiences will include integrating emerging scientific data into practice, generating ideas and proposals to address complex patient care challenges, applying principles of pedagogy to communicate ideas and information, and demonstrating ethical decision making. A pharmacist in an advanced practice role will supervise the student practicums.

PHM9000Y MScPhm Research Practicum

The Research Practicum provides MScPhm students with the opportunity to apply content covered in foundational MScPhm courses by undertaking a research project. Students, with the approval of the supervisor and Advisory Committee, will identify a research question; develop a research protocol including rationale, significance and methods; obtain regulatory and ethical approval to conduct the study as required; undertake the study and present their findings orally and in writing.  In collaboration with their (co-)supervisor(s), students will interpret and integrate emerging scientific data into their research; interpret their findings and communicate them aligned with the principles of knowledge translation/mobilization. All projects will be assessed for feasibility and scope by each student’s Advisory Committee and the MScPhm Program co-Leads. Students will be supervised by their graduate faculty (co-)supervisors.

HAD5312H Decision Modelling for Clinical Policy and Economic Evaluation

D. Naimark
This course will overview the principles and applications of decision analytic modeling for the purposes of developing clinical policy (e.g. what’s the optimal screening method and interval for cervical cancer screening) and evaluating the efficiency (cost effectiveness/cost utility) of health interventions. The course will involve both theoretical and practical aspects. Students will have an opportunity to read more deeply in the history and theoretical underpinnings of decision analysis. However, students will also be expected to learn practical skills in advanced modeling by constructing, debugging, and presenting their own complex decision model. Themes covered in the course will include: a brief history of decision analysis, descriptive and normative theories of decision making, measuring health outcomes with patient-derived and community weighted utility measures, using the QALY and it’s competitors, Markov modeling, Monte Carlo simulation, using mathematical functions in models, modeling for cost effectiveness analysis, and an introduction to Bayesian approaches in modeling.
Prerequisite: HAD5304H
Visit the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation website for course schedule.

HAD5744H Applied Health Econometrics I

E. Nauenberg
This course is designed to provide an introduction to econometric methods. That is, the basic principles of model development and testing that underlie much of applied health economics and health services research. The starting point is the fact that a great number of possible data generating processes yield very similar looking data series. The course deals with how to determine which data generating process, from among the range of possible ones, has actually generated the data you are working with. To that end, the course deals with application of statistical tests and procedures in the context of distinguishing between models. It is therefore assumed that students have a basic training in statistics.
Visit the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation website for course schedule.

HAD5746H Applied Health Econometrics II

P. Pechlivanoglou
The goal of this course is to provide students with the necessary tools to address issues that involve the empirical analysis of observational (i.e. non-experimental) data. The focus of the course is on estimating treatment effects and we will review several different approaches that can be helpful in doing so. Theory will be presented and, whenever possible, applied examples will also be presented. At the end of this course, students will be able to use these tools to: a) choose the right research question; b) use appropriate data and statistical methods to address the question; and c) interpret results.
Prerequisite: HAD5744H
Visit the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation website for course schedule.

JFK1122H Drug Transport Across Biological Membranes (Offered alternate years)

R. Bendayan
The course is to provide graduate students with a knowledge of the molecular entities involved in drug transport across biological cell membranes and to emphasize the physiological and clinical significance of these entities. The course will consist of didactic lectures presented in a traditional lecture format, and student presentations, when appropriate a lecture will be replaced by a research seminar.

JNP1014Y Interdisciplinary Toxicology

P. McPherson
A survey course examining several contemporary topics in toxicology with emphasis on human/mammalian toxicology. Topics in the course may include: adverse drug reactions, acute poisonings, natural toxins, maternal-fetal toxicology, forensic toxicology, environmental chemistry, pesticides, dioxins, endocrine disruptors, regulatory toxicology, occupational toxicology, food toxicology, herbal products, alcohol, smoking, and drugs of abuse. Students are evaluated by their performance on written tests and assignments.
Recommended Preparation: BCH210H, PCL201H,  PCL302H, PCL362H, or their equivalents.
Non-Pharmacology graduate students will require permission from the course coordinator to enrol.
Visit the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology website for course schedule.

JNP1016H Graduate Seminar in Toxicology (Offered alternate years)

C. Woodland
This course is a seminar-based course in which students critique scientific papers in the area of toxicology. Faculty members from a wide variety of disciplines will guide these sessions and give an overview of the relevant issues in the field. Students are evaluated by oral and written critiques of the scientific literature and by their participation in class discussions.
Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Collaborative Specialization in Toxicology.
Non-Pharmacology graduate students will require permission from the course coordinator to enrol.
Visit the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology website for course schedule.

JNP1017H Current Topics in Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology (Offered alternate years)

J. Henderson
This course will emphasize the biochemical principles and mechanisms underlying the toxicity of drugs and foreign agents. In particular the current hypotheses that explain the events at the molecular level which determine and affect toxicity are examined and critically evaluated. This course is suitable for graduate students of pharmacy, toxicology, pharmacology, biochemistry, environmental science, pathology, neuroscience and medical biophysics. A weekly journal club will also be held after the lectures.  Link to course page 

JNP1018H Molecular and Biochemical Basis of Toxicology I (Offered alternate years)

J. Henderson
This course will emphasize the molecular biology principles and mechanisms underlying the toxicity of drugs and foreign agents. A journal club format is used to examine and critically evaluate the current hypotheses that explain the events at the molecular level which determine and affect toxicity. This course is suitable for graduate students of pharmacy, toxicology, pharmacology, biochemistry, environmental science, pathology, neuroscience and medical biophysics. A weekly journal club will also be held after the lectures.  Link to course page

JRH1000H Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology

S. Cadarette and G. Liu
This joint course offered by the Graduate Departments of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Public Health Sciences provides an overview of foundational principles in the field of pharmacoepidemiology, from drug development and drug utilization research to drug safety and effectiveness studies that employ common pharmacoepidemiologic study designs. Students will develop foundational knowledge and skills in the field of pharmacoepidemiology. Each topic will include discussions that consider views from multiple perspectives from academia, government, healthcare professionals, industry and patients. Experience will be gained through practice exercises and assignments, class discussions, and small group exercises.
Prerequisites: CHL5401H, CHL5402H or other courses in observational research methods upon approval of course coordinators

JRH5124H Public Health Ethics

A. Thompson
This is an advanced level graduate seminar course in the ethics of public health. This is distinct from the ethics in public health and the course attempts to give students some familiarity with some of the most important ethical issues facing those engaged in public health research (health promotion, disease prevention, and epidemiological and biostatistical research). The course is based on seminar discussions of course readings, and case studies. Students will be able to identify, articulate and analyze ethical issues arising from public health, and to formulate critical and well-reasoned ethical arguments.

PAS3700H Multidisciplinary Aspects of Addictions

H. Hamilton, M. Chaiton and S. Popova
This is the core course offered by the Collaborative Program in Addiction Studies (CoPAS). The course aims to provide students with core knowledge and understanding of different behavioural, biological, historical, medical and socio-cultural aspects of addictions. It will also provide information about the aetiology of addictions and contemporary approaches to prevention and treatment.

PCL1004Y Clinical Pharmacology

C. Woodland
This course explores a variety of topics in clinical pharmacology with emphasis on the application of pharmacokinetic principles. Clinical cases are used to highlight a breadth of topics in clinical pharmacology and toxicology including variability in drug response, adverse drug reactions, clinical study design, and pharmacoeconomics.
Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Applied Clinical Pharmacology field of study.
Non-Pharmacology graduate students will require permission from the course coordinator to enrol.
Visit the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology website for course schedule.