Students in Year 4 spend the entire academic year on Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations. These rotations begin in May following Year 3 and take place over a 52 week period. Students are required to complete the following rotations:
- 2 x 5-week APPE Institutional Required rotations (PHM401H1 and PHM402H1)
- 1 x 10-week APPE Community Required rotation (PHM414Y1)
- 1 x 5-week APPE Selective (direct patient care) rotation (PHM424H1)
- 2 x 5-week APPE Elective rotations (PHM451H1, PHM452H1, PHM461H1, or PHM462H1)
- 3 x 5-week rotation blocks are considered study blocks, where students do not have rotations assigned. The dates of these study blocks vary for each student and students may have no more than 2 consecutive study blocks.
All experiential education courses for students in our PharmD and PharmD for Pharmacists programs are overseen by the Office of Experiential Education.