What to expect during the PharmD-MBA program

The following is an overview of PharmD-MBA program requirements. To participate in the Combined PharmD-MBA, you must apply to and be admitted to both the PharmD and MBA programs separately. Interested students must complete Year 1 of the PharmD program before applying to the MBA program in Year 2.   

Year 2

  • Upon successful completion of Year 2 PharmD courses and acceptance into the Full-Time MBA program, you will be expected to complete all PharmD course and rotation requirements.
  • At the conclusion of the Year 2 academic year, you will be required to complete the PharmD Early Practice Experience II (EPE II) in May.
  • Following the successful completion of EPE II, you will be required to complete Intermediate Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE), a five-week Combined PharmD-MBA program experiential education rotation that will generally run from late July to late August. This IPPE rotation satisfies PharmD clinical rotation requirements for your degree.

Year 3

  • Following the successful completion of your IPPE rotation, you will enroll in Year 3 of the PharmD program and take all required and elective courses for the fall term. During this term, you will complete an Experiential Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) Transition course designed to help you succeed in your experiential rotations. You will also have the opportunity to take PHM389 (Research Project) to begin an early exploration of management and business issues in Pharmacy.
  • In January of Year 3, Combined PharmD-MBA students will begin APPE rotations.
  • From January to August of Year 3, you will complete six (6) APPE rotations, per Faculty requirements, as organized by the Office of Experiential Education. Upon successful completion of your final (6th) APPE rotation, you will have completed all required courses and rotations for the PharmD degree.
  • Please note: as you will be participating in rotations that occur over the summer, you will be required to pay a summer tuition fee per University of Toronto policy.

Year 4

  • Beginning in September of Year 4, you will enroll directly in the Full-Time MBA program at the Rotman School of Management. Your first term MBA courses will qualify as Electives for the PharmD degree.
  • You will complete all degree requirements for the PharmD program by December of Year 4, and graduate (with your original class) the following June. During this term, you will take the required MBA courses plus one additional self-directed course in Pharmacy, and will consequently be co-registered as both a Rotman School of Management and Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy student.
  • In the winter term of Year 4, you will have completed all requirements of the PharmD program, and will therefore no longer be registered as a Pharmacy student. Instead, you will be registered solely as a Rotman School of Management student beginning in January, and will be enrolled in MBA courses exclusively from this point forward.

Year 5

  • In year 5 (beginning in September and ending in May), you will complete all remaining Rotman School of Management MBA degree requirements and graduate with an MBA degree with that class.